For you korean speakers..




I have a couple questions..


  • What's the difference between 아파 and 아프고?

  • What's the difference between 있다 and 있어?

  • What's the difference between 없어 and 없다?

  • How do you say she or he? [ like, when you say "She/he is very pretty"]

  • Do both 와 and 과 mean 'and'?


Thanks ^^





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1. What's the difference between 아파 and 아프고?
where did you hear 아프고? I've never heard it being used..;; Don't think it's a proper use of the word..

2. What's the difference between 있다 and 있어?
있다 is more of a formal and straight forward way of saying things and 있어 is more informal. Another thing is with 있다 you would never ask a question with it where with 있어 you can.

3. What's the difference between 없어 and 없다?
Again it's the same thing with with the formal and informal use of the words. 없어 is informal and 없다 is more formal. Similar case with the previous one with the question.. But this time you can use both to ask questions but using 없다 is more of a slang aegyo thing.

4. How do you say she or he? [ like, when you say "She/he is very pretty"]
그녀는 아주/매우 예쁘다
그는 매우/매우 (in Korean you wouldn't really use the word pretty for guys.. you would pretty much use cute -> 귀엽다 or handsome -> 멋있다 but if you want to say pretty it would still be 예쁘다.)

5. Do both 와 and 과 mean 'and'?
yes they do. The only difference in its usage is if the word before it is either... (I don't really know how to explain it.. but I'll try..)underthing free or underthing not free.. (ex: 사과, 강아지, 박스 -> free 귤, 감, 눈 -> not free) If it is free, you would use 와 and if it's not free you would use 과.

Hope it helped ^^
shaspirity #2
I know all the answers. hehe

1. The isnt a real difference between 아파 and 아프고. They are the same is just used in different ways...
2. Again, there is no difference between 있다 and 있어 is just used in different ways..
3. 없어 and 없다 are the same thing :/ used in different ways...
4. They mean 'and' I can say, but there is a difference...i dont really know an actual answer but its just...if you say it, you will really know what im talking about.
It doesnt sound right. Like it sounds weird and awkward, kinda like a grammar mistake...just think about it that way :p

Anyways for 1-3 they are basically different tenses (past, present)

Hope this helped :D

(PS: im sorry if it didnt help)