
The Mask

Name: Baek yoon hee

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Korean

DOB: 9/9/1991

Birth place: ilsan

Height: {cm} 165 cm

Weight: {kg} 46kg

Weapon of choice: knives/ blades.



The Reflection

Can i use suzy even if she not an ulzzang?

Back up:
Not an ulzzang again.. is it okay.. park bom

Appearance: really pretty and is naturally y without any effort. She is fully aware of the effect she has on the men.. and some women around her. She has a very y aura which some girls find intimidating. She likes to keep her hair long and brown with a couple of dark blue stripes. she has a pretty pure face but body laungauge that shows shes dangerous and y. On missions she wears long sleaves to cnceal the knives strapped to her arms. she dresses alot more like a y artist when she goes to underground clubs compared to the assasins black dull clothes she sports on mission.

Style: weird tights/ long socks with shorts/dress' not that nto fashion

Extras: tattoo of a dove on the back of her neck. The japenese symbol for kai... not for exo kai because kai means change... but if kais in the story its something for them to talk about :P



My Reality                                                 

Personality:  Cold to alot of people unless she likes you or had been around you a long time. creative. Spaces out alot which people find amusing once they know her and slightly scary if they dont. Doesnt like being teased or lied to. Difficult to make angry but if you make her angry you should fear for your life. If you ask her for help she'll help you no questions asked but she wont volunter to help. Suprisingly loyal.                

Likes: tattoos, knives, painting, coke

Dislikes: judgemental people, obnoxious people, rich people who think they're better than poor people because they have more money, arrogance

Habits: spacing out, drinking coke all the time

Hobbies: painting, going to underground clubs

Fear(s): Dogs


Trivia:  Likes to paint as it helps her focus, thinks rappers are seriously y, Doesnt speak to her family as she was kicked out of the house by her  parents at 15. Will not harm children. Enjoys and isnt ashamed of it.



Only the strong survive

Strengths: imagination/ thought process, knive/blade controll and aim, shes the very best with anything with a sharp edge
Weaknesses: fear of dogs makes some jobs difficult. spaces out so can become out of the loop and miss details
Agility: 7/10
Stealth: 7/10
Balance: 10/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Endurance: 9/10




I don't want to hurt you{Not required. If you don't want one don't fill this part out}

k_110812-Bang-Yong-Guk.jpgLove interest:Bang yong guk
Occupation: Underground rapper, gang? criminal activity is aware of and knows alot of the top criminals in korea
Personality: cold, inteligent, likes , humerous
How you met: under ground club at the bar maybe or his information on criminals is needed/ he becomes an assasin


Sorry about spelling and grammar errors


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