Assassin's Guild - - - Yue LiHua


-- Yue LiHua  --






The Mask

Name: Yue LiHua

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Full Chinese

DOB: Dec, 25, 1992

Birth place: Guiyang, China

Height: 154 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Weapon of choice: Kantana or Senbons - She's into more traditional weapons.



The Reflection

Ulzzang: Tsubasa Masuwaka
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Back up: Miyake Wong
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Appearance:Lihua isn't exactly tall but she isn't short. She's some where in the middle. She's not extremely skinny but somewhere in the middle. She does have a petite build, isn't buff, or anything like that. She's not the greatest person to ask to help you carry something. She does have a nice body though. She just works out at the gym to stay this way. She does have an s-line body. She really doesn't think that she has a good body so to say. She thinks that she has big thighs and you know those stupid thoughts that girls usually have about themselves. Her skin tone is a milky white color. She does have healthy skin, so she does get acne from time to time. Her eye color is a dark chocolate brown. She has doe like eyes with dark black lashes connected to them. She will admit that she wears circle lenses and fake lashes sometimes. She keeps her hair a dark black color. She is known to dye her hair dusky purple or black with red tips or a dark aqua tips. She has dyed it a cherry red with black underlay, but she doesn't like blonde much. She will usually keep it long and layered in the back. She does throw her hair up in pony tails, buns, braids, and what ever else that you can think of. Her lips are usually glossed in a light pink color and fit her face pretty well. is kind of small and inside on the her bottom is a screwed in retainer from when she was little always falling from high places or getting into fights then getting the stuffing beat out of her. She does have baby fat cheeks in a way. She doesn't have a baby face at all, but her cheeks are just bigger than normal that's all. She has small button nose that smallish rounded object you smell with.

Style:Lihua has a very expensive, designer, y, and fashionable sense of style. She doesn't do knock offs or fakes. It has to be the real deal or she won't wear it. She does want to feel cheap or not high dollar worthy because she is in her mind. she's more a Hollywood glamor meets a little bit of a Japanese street clothing mixed in. She does shop in underground shops wanting to all either be setting trends or following the latest fashions. She doesn't like bright colors, but more darker colors. Dark red is her favorite color to wear. You'll always see her in some form of a high heel. Wedge, Ankle boot, Boot, etc.

Extras: She does have a tattoo{Just the crescent moon.} right above her bottom.



My Reality                                                 

Personality: Lihua's is out spoken to others. Not afraid to put people down then boast about herself. She has lots of pride into just herself. People tend to stray away from her because they don't want to be judged. She only does this because this how she was taught to show her like towards another person. Cruel, yes but oh well. Blunt and witty. Snarky, Smart , and none the less a complete flirt. She tends to get others to flirt back so she can hear nice things about herself. Don't get her wrong. She likes herself, so she wants other to like her. Never been the apple of man's eye only to their little friend. She tends to treat males rudely and coldly unless she thinks they are younger than herself. She knows what she wants and how to get it. Quick to say something. She just says whatever she wants to someone not caring how it will effect them. She's the top dog and likes to be treated that way. She can manipulate your brain out to achieve what she wants. She's a er for a cute, agyeo type boy. Quirky and some what of a book worm when it comes to things about fashion and more adult things. In no way is she innocent and it's obvious. She can easily blow her top at you. She has a short fuse and doesn't take things lightly. She's never been a go with the flow type person. She wants it then and now; then you better do it right then not later. Sweet talker. She knows the right buttons to push then the ones not to. She can be a sweet girl then your worse nightmare the next.

Lihua doesn't seem to have a caring bone in her body which she doesn't expect for others close to her. She tends to protect younger ones and act like their mother but in her rude and cold ways. She tends to keep her inner feelings to herself since she doesn't want to ruin her image by crying or breaking down in front of others. She's very confident in herself so that's the image that she would like to keep. Even when hurt badly, she keeps her smirk on her face and snaps back with snarky remark even if it hurt her. Many say she has shameless confidence since she'll do anything to be noticed and pretty. She can be a compulsive liar as well. She has to be better than next one so why not tell a little white lie to make her self look better? She is very impatient. She hates waiting for others or on something. When she wants something then she'll do anything to get it. She's a girl's boyfriends worse enemy. Manipulative like sneaky fox in the forest. She might telling you something useless, but how she speaks gets them do what she wants. She's not afraid to fight someone verbally because she'll probably win. She's a big gossip, so if she hears something about someone then in time she'll use it against them for her benefit; her's only. She might agree to help you, but she's only using you. Although deep down inside, there is a caring girl. She's not all spite and y-ness, you know. She does like to try to be nice to people, but sometimes it' just easier to be mean to them for their good, most of the time. She can be a nice person and sweet person, but doesn't always come off very well. Many people just take it as she joking, but people close to her take it was much as they can.              

Likes: Sweets, Skinship, Mochas, Tea w/ honey, Money, Bubble Tea, Kisses over hugs, Cold weather, Snow, Frozen yogurt, Fashion, Spicy Food, White Chocolate, Partying, Clubbing, Vodka w/ razberries in it, and The rain.

Dislikes:Yelling, Pushing, Liars, Cheaters, Jerks, Thunder storms, Whiny people, Hot weather, Judgmental people, erts, Small spaces, and Burnt food.

Habits:Talks/Mumbles to herself, Clings to people when scared, Bites the inside of her cheek when upset, Stutters when she cries, Clenches her jaw shut when she's mad, Lays her head in people's laps or shoulder when bored, rolls her eye when annoyed, ingores you if she mad or upset with you, hugs onto something when she sleeps, cusses when she screws up, bites her lip when thinking, and Talks informal to people younger than her and only talks formal to people older than her.

Hobbies:  Yoga, Nail art, Baking, Running, Martial Arts, and Cooking.

Fear(s):  Being Burried alive, Losing the people she loves, and Small spaces.

Trivia:  Left handed, Loves everything about fashion, Is very open about if someone is cute or not, Is very blunt about if she likes something or if she doesn't, Queen of kill heels; She likes wearing heels because she doesn't like being short, wears her glasses if she doesn't have time to put in her contacts, Hates acting cute, horrible at acting cute, Has a white pomerian puppy named Aki, Lives by herself in an apartment, practices her martial arts, yoga, etc at the gym every other day if she has time, Works part time in a pastry shop as cover and for extra money, and Many of her fellow assassians are surprised at how well she is with chldern since Lihua does want kids in the future which surprises many.



Only the string survive

Strengths: Martial Arts & Manipulatation Skills
Weaknesses: Technoogly Skills & Team Skills; She prefers to work alone.
Agility: 7/10
Stealth: 6/10
Balance: 7/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Endurance: 8/10




I don't want to hurt you









Love interest: Himchan
Occupation: Assassian
Personality:Himchan is the some what 4-d quirky one. He is very blunt and witty, and tends to go with the flow most of the time. He's outgoing and life of the party type person. He likes attention and knows how to get your eyes on him. He's got a snarky tounge but it go into a flirtaous tone very quickly as well. He's good at talking and getting people to do what he wants and manipulating people is easy for him. He's very truthful and isn't going to sugar coat anything. He tells it like it is. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and be himself. He's not a complete jerk, but he can be one. He can be a diva and can be a little over the top sometimes.
How you met:  Himchan was looking around for a snack and found a small pastry shop called Mei Meng. He walked in and his eyes caught the waitress standing behind the counter just leaning on her elbows. Something seemed famillar about her. He walked up to her asked for one of the cupcakes that were on display. She asked if he wanted anything esle and he answered you. She laughed at him and started to box up the cupcake. She told him that was only going to work in his dreams. He sighed and paid her the money for the cupcake added his phone number on a slip of paper. He told her that was an important number to call if she was lonely and he winked at her. She answered with her own little shurg, a soft maybe, then a wink back as he left. Himchan would come in every other day just to talk to her and get another cupcake. She never texted him or called him though.

A few weeks later at the assassian guild head quarters, them both being assassians go there to get new assignments. He was walking with the guys just talking when he caught Lihua's eye. Of course she looked different, no cute bunny ears, apron, or geeky glasses instead a kantana, contacts, and a more y look. She simply just winked at him like she did at the cafe sending him crashing into Youngguk then getting smacked up side the head to focus and not gwak at people from Youngguk. 





Questions?: ------

Comments?: I hope you like her. If there's anything I need to add or change then just tell me.



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