le interview, jade


le interview.
please members of fabb fill this out! fill out in first person. you can include actions too. ^^
introduce yourself. (say name and your position in fabb)
→ Annyeonghasaeyo, I'm fabb's main vocalist Wu Bao Yu, but just call me Jade -smiles gently and waves-
introduce yourself in one word.
→ Relaxed -giggles-
your charming point.
→ My charming point? -ponders for a minute, tapping her chin- I'm very calm and can handle situations well, keeping a level head -nods-
what do you do in your free time?
→ Normally I'll be out an about, either riding my motorcycle in a random countryside with my camera, taking pictures of everything -chuckles and makes a motion of taking pictures- Or I'll be volunteering at local day cares -giggles- I absolutely adore children.
favortive show?
→ Well, my favorite drama is definitely Coffee Prince! -gives an eyesmile- it's such a cute storyline, don't you think? -nods happily- As far as variety shows go, I used to adore Star Golden Bell. It was so funny and interesting, I always wanted to be on that show -pouts-
your y moment?
→ A y moment -scrunches her face a bit- I guess when I go out to the club on the rare occassion. I like to dance and dress a little... Provacatively -smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck-
childhood dream.
→ Ever heard of the show Criminal Minds? It's a show based on Forensic Psychologists and what they do. I was always inspired by how people can figure out what gender they are just by going through their trash -shrugs- That's what I've always wanted to do
silbings? who & give a letter to them (if they are an idol)
→ From my last name, I'm sure you can guess I'm related to Wu Yi Fan, or Kris. He's my older brother!
Letter: Dear Yi Fan,
Look gege, I made it! Your little sister finally made it as an idol! I've always wanted to grow up to be like you, independant and strong. Now look, I'm in Jellyfish Entertainment with my new group! They're all really nice and treat me well. I'm always following on your updates and I know you'll do the same gege. Thank you for always being my pillar of support. I love you!
personal skills?
→ Oh oh, I can put both feet behind my head! -sits up in the chair and puts both legs behind her head without her hands- Cool right? I'm very flexible~ -chuckles- I can also do splits, back hand springs, roundoffs, typical cheerleading stuff. I used to be a cheerleader back in the day~
first impression on members.
→ Oh, they're all different in their own way. I was most comfortable with Shye immediately because she seems really calm and mature like me. Everyone else is seemed very polite and welcoming -smiles brightly with a firm nod-
your strength?
→ I'm very diverse. I know a lot of languages thanks to Kris gege, so I can easily get along with fans since I'll know what most are saying -gives and eyesmile-
favortive singer? if you meet them?
→ DAESUNG -claps happily and nods eagerly- I adore Daesung -lets out a dreamy sigh- He's my ideal type in every way. Perfect voice that I'd love to sing along with, cute face, and a nice body to boot! -bites my lower lip nervously- I haven't met him, but I do hope I could one day soon -nods-
favortive rapper? if you meet them?
→ MinHo-sshi is definitely my favorite rapper -puffs my cheeks- He's quick with his raps and it's nice to practice with. Sorry gege! -rubs the back of her neck with a small grin- And I've met him before, but only in passing whenever I'd meet with my brother. He's a nice guy -smiles slightly-
apperance rating #1 in group.
→ Taelin is definitely the prettiest in my opinion, she's the face for a reason -nods, proud of her answer-
→ I feel like I'm tied for second with Shye. I am related to Krisus, naturally I have goddess like looks -tossing my hair playfully, acting like a princess but grins happily-
the last?
→ Not that she's ugly, but I think it's Jae. Really though, no offense to her, she's gorgeous~
popularity raiting #1 in group.
→ I think Iris is the most popular. She's very diverse with her personality and very well rounded -smiles-
→ I... I think I'm in last -cringes a bit-
the last?
→ Well....
→ I have an advice complex -blinks, pouting a bit- I always feel like I have to in and help people. 
what made you want to become a singer?
→ Funny story about that -chuckles- You know how my brother is a rapper? One would think I would rap as well, but I went to one of his practices one time. I got there a bit early and that's when I met Lu Han. He was singing to an instrumental that I happened to know so I walked in, singing the same song and I harmonized with him so easily. He told me I could be a singer easily and Kris came in, backing him up on that -nods, glancing to the floor at the memory-
role model? if you meet them?
→ My role model is definitely my brother. He's such an amazing guy and he stands strong and proud. He's a great leader and he has so many fans. Gege is an amazing person and I always look up to him~
favortive song. (sing a line)
Oh i dream nae moksorireul tago neoreul umjigil i norae jigeum neodo deutgo inneunji
Geu jiteun eodum soge honja gachiji anke
Yeongwonhi neoreul wihae noraehalge woueo~
It's from 15& "I Dream" Beautiful song -nods in appreciation
how did you feel on debut day?
→ Nervous, excited, ready, frazzled. So many emotion, but, mostly, I was ready to go and impress the world -makes a fighting hand motion-
goals for future?
→ Continue doing what I love. Even if it happens to change in the future, I want to be able to do what I absolutely adore -smiles gently-
message to other memebers
→ Thank you for being so welcoming! Let's become a revolutionary girl group that will take over the music industry. Fighting girls! -grins-
message to fans
→ -smiles shyly- Thank you everyone for being so supportive of us in such a short amount of time. It's amazing to know you guys like us even a little. Hearing the fanchants makes me feel so wonderful. be fabb, we love you! -makes a heart-
message to vixx
→ Brother group, hi! Thanks for always promoting us and believing in us. You've been so kind to us, helping whenever we had questions. Thanks for being the supportive VIXX, I can't wait until we get to support you as well. Wait for us to be as amazing and popular as you guys, then we can promote you! Saranghae! -winks-


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