Review: The Box was Never Empty_ kirbylovestoto

Title 5/5

The title give the perfect suspence. Makes readers want to read the story.


Foreword and Description 10/10

I love how you gave information about Yong Guk and Jun Hong, but didn't give anything away. The quote at the end was a super nice idea. It makes readers want to read it. Makes me wonder. I swear, the Foreword and Description made me want to jump out of my seat and run around. ( I don't know why but... yeah)


Plot 30/30

This was probably one of the most original stories I have read. It was really good. I loved how you didn't use the original plotline. There were just so many plot twists that it makes readers want to keep reading. The idea was so original that I adore you.


Character 20/20

I loved how you didn't use the original Bang Yong Guk as a badass ganster and Zelo as some innocent oblivious boy. It made the story so much better.


Grammar and Spelling 20/20

What more can I say? Perfect.


Flow 15/15

A lot of times, it was super confusing (at least for me) but then everything cleared up as the story went on. Everything was well planned. 


Overall Score 100/100

Sorry for the super duper short review.

I was really busy this week and I didn't have much time.

This story has been on my queue for a long time .

I really wanted to read it but now, 

I get to read and review it .

Thanks and credit!



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Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy as well.
Anyways, thanks for getting it done, but if you could redo it, that'd be great. I just think your comments need more body.
Thank you!
By the way, I'm glad I gave you a story you've been wanting to read ^^