watermelon's status: semi-hiatus

Hello everyone! As you can see from the blog title, I am gonna put my aff account on semi-hiatus mode as a writer. The thing is I feel really bad to simply go missing in action(MIA) without telling my subscribers/readers anything. I wish to write so badly but sometimes, time is really never enough. The reason why I'm putting 'semi-hiatus' is so that once I've the chance, I wish to be able to update some of my fics. I'll be going on a full-hiatus around start of June because of examinations. And I'll be back before mid June as it will finally be the holidays! From time to time, I will look at my subscribers count and I realized it has went up by a few before declining by another few as days passed. It's of course, pretty saddening because I see those figures everytime I log in.

So I told myself that, "You can't keep everyone."

And with that, I really thank those who are willing to stay and still wait for my slow updates. <3

I cannot say enough. Thank you and sorry to all of my readers, friends and subscribers.



 I'm trying hard to find a balance, hope you understand.


With love



ps. my head is hurting like hell now. Goodnights darlings.


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Fighting. We will always support u :))
i understand how school work can be really taxing on us.
thank you for continuing your stories instead of abandoning them, regardless of how slow your updates will be. ;~;
maiangel109 #3
It's totally fine that you are going on hiatus. You have to deal with school just like plenty of others. Good Luck~ Take Care~
It's okay dear..take your time..don't push yourself..school is more important..we understand..GOOD LUCK AND FIGHTING <3
green_teax #5
why is ur head hurting? are you alright? take care of your health! being sick is the worst thing ever. :( /sniff/ /cough/
Don't worry. It's totally understandable!^^ I'll be on hiatus soon as well^^
Good luck!^^