Protecting what I love - my way -- Super Junior


I can only laugh right now. Why is there no end to this madness? I’m talking about this translation of a popular Korean blog post. It has given ELF new things to be upset about, so I’ll just go through it and show you why you don’t need to take it seriously.

First of all, that post is done by a random Korean netizen (as far as I know), and while they can be fun and all, they aren’t more legit just because they get popular or end up being translated into English. It only shows they managed to sell their view to the masses (and/or rile them up).

Ok, I’ll go by numbers, so if you haven’t read the translation (original is here), you might want to take a look at it. Or not.

1. Seriously. I won’t go into this again, because I already wrote about it yesterday. Many people have written about it. If confused ELF still want to read an interpretation done by a fan who isn’t getting a rush from screaming about unfairness and slavery, there are a few places to go to by now.


I’ll only say this once again. I believe Lee Soo Man made that statement with the biggest respect and love possible. Nothing can convince me that Lee Soo Man and SM haven’t given Suju what they deserve. No matter how hard you work, you won’t make it to be as big as Super Junior without massive support from your company. Ask any group who didn’t make it.


2. I don’t know a lot about fan petitions and such, but even if SM did plan a Super Junior concert in Europe as a result of petitions (is there proof?), what if SM didn’t think it could get sold out? Maybe they did the calculations and realized the amount of ELF wasn’t enough to fill the venues that were available? Maybe they had to do something else to make European fans happy. Like, make an SM Town concert instead - something that can attract more people than Super Junior alone can do. Would SONEs, Shawols, Cassies and f(x):ians have gone to a Super Show? Probably not. This way more fanclubs got their wish of seeing their favourite groups live.


Now that I think about it, isn’t it pretty selfish to wish SM had denied other groups’ fans that joy?


If SM would bring Super Show to Peru, how would Peruvian SONEs feel? Would they be happy? Heck no! They would do anything to get a SNSD concert in their country. Could SM bring every group’s solo concert to Peru (and then every other country in the world)? No. But they can bring all of their groups to Peru for one SM Town concert.


Is the logic hard to follow? Am I the only one who thinks it makes more sense to make a global tour with SM Town?


Making polls and petitions doesn’t mean SM is obligated to do anything with the results. It only shows interest. If Peru gets SM Town, I suggest Peruvian ELF to be happy and thankful. There are thousands of fans in countries that won’t get anything. Ever. Think about that.


3. SNSD’s new album casing is made of tin - not iron. But whatever.


So ELF are now jealous over the metal casing? Gosh, I’m happy Korean non-SONEs in general don’t know about what kind of special package SNSD’s first Japanese album came in…


So why did Mr Simple cost more? Well, first of all - it’s ginormous (shipping and handling applies to companies as well, not only consumers). They also had 10 different pictures printed on the cover (the coveted tin box only has one), and it came with 10 double-sided, ginormous photocards. SNSD’s postcards will be the size of that small box.


SM probably thought ELF would love big pictures they can display in their rooms and houses. How could SM have known ELF had preferred a tin box , too small to even fit a handfull of cookies?


I fail to see how the material used in these two albums is a measure of worth. SNSD has made plenty of paper albums before - in regular sizes.


4. Wait, what? Some kind of reasoning or proof would be welcome. The original obviously has some more words, but God knows what it says…


5. Isn’t it obvious the teaser will be shot on the same set as the MV? The teaser is a short version of the MV after all…


I won’t go into possible reasons why there are similarities in Super Junior’s MVs. I can only speculate (as I did earlier).


6. This one was something I was puzzled by. “Always cuts off Super Junior”? I knew Super Junior is frequently mentioned in SM articles, so I made a picture for you to see. I just did a quick search for articles and collected caps. I even underlined “Super Junior” with a lovely makeshift shade of Sapphire blue.


But then I wanted to find out what this really was about (since it really didn’t make any sense to me). And I found out that this:

SM always cuts off Super Junior with ‘etc’ when talking about their company in articles.


… is not translated according to the original post. Not at all. The original says something about how Super Junior has the most fans in Asia and Europe, but SM didn’t even mention Suju in that one article (when talking about popularity in Asia and Europe).


I tried to search for the quoted line that starts with “Starting with H.O.T…” but all I found was blogs (some of them were quoting the first blog in some way). This article just didn’t seem to have been online at all. But there were small pictures of something that seems to be two articles from a paper newspaper, but the picture is so small it’s impossible to see what it says (some evidence, huh?).


But since I’m a bit awesome (and humble), I know one of the articles is this one. And then I saw that it in fact isn’t Lee Soo Man or SM talking about which groups are popular overseas. It’s the newspaper who has made a small “profile” about Lee Soo Man at the end of the article. So, because the reporter didn’t mention Super Junior in the small review of Lee Soo Man’s 40 year long professional career as a singer and producer, some ELF are getting upset. I mean, really?!?


And, to make it even better, that quote isn’t even quoted correctly, and that’s why you can’t find the source by regular search.


Furthermore. The second quote about TVXQ is from the second article in that too small picture, and I couldn’t find the original article because the quotation is wrong, again. I only ended up in blogs, but one of them had a picture I actually could read from. Yay! Problem is, I still can’t understand Korean.


Anyway. If “the best” were picked to be TVXQ, the rest became Super Junior. With hard work they became global top stars. It wasn’t expected of them, because “the best” weren’t in it. I get it, ELF are angry because Lee Soo Man didn’t believe in Suju as much as he believed in TVXQ. But you know what, he still believed in them enough to let them debut. If he had thought they were garbage, you wouldn’t even know they existed.


7. As I have said, I don’t know Korean, but I still managed to see that the translation of Kim Heechul’s “diss” didn’t feel right. Especially the last sentence. So I asked a Korean (who happens to be somewhat of a language nerd), and my suspicion was confirmed right away.

So I’ll always just say back, ‘Yeah, you’re all talk.’

I was told the literal meaning was something to that effect. But, in the way people use that expression, and in the way it was being said, and that context, it would rather mean something like “Touché”.


So while Kim Heechul may or may not honestly think SM is creating enough headlines with their achievements overseas, SM’s reply is “of course you are making it big, you are Super Junior. We don’t need to tell people you are awesome” (my interpretation, not an exact quote or translation). And Heechul obviously thought that was a (fun and) reasonable answer. I can see the humor in this little tale (and I’m sure Heechul intended it as a funny story combined with some bragging), so why can’t Korean ELF?


Because they are out to create drama of course.


Most ELF should know what kind of man Kim Heechul is. To take something he says on radio, something that’s obviously filled with loving teasing and playfulness, and claim it as proof of how displeased he is with SM…  That’s not only lame, but it also shows that these people don’t seem to know Kim Heechul at all.


“It is not the cry of an immature child. Being a fan means being brave enough to protect what is most precious to you.”

You don’t protect with lies. You don’t protect anyone by twisting other people’s words to fit your own cause.


How have you been protecting them exactly? All you seem to do is cause hurt and anger among others, and yourselves.


I’m a fan too. A fan of Super Junior even. But I’m also a fan of kpop, a peaceful international kpop community, SM Entertainment and reason. I must try to protect these. Right now they all are under heavy attack.




***This is a more rational, unbiased opionated article. I have to agree with this smart gal


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