To Super Junior: 영원히

"I proudly present perhaps the biggest and greatest video project I have ever put together and produced, To Super Junior: 영원히. I have worked on this tribute for the last two months in efforts to celebrate all of Super Junior's accomplishments. The reason for this creation was that I wanted to look back at all of the memories ELF and Super Junior shared throughout their journey. The goodbye stage for A-CHA was perhaps one of the saddest and most touching, and in Super Junior's honor I decided to compose this video.

I chose Paradise by Coldplay as the theme song after much debate over whether or not I would go with an instrumental cover or Super Junior single. I selected this specific song over all the others due to its strong impact and steady beat. I felt as if it stressed each image with a more powerful force, and symbolized our years together as "paradise". There were times when I wanted to scrap this video, afraid that no one would want to see it because it was merely a mash of photos and tape. There were times when I became so distraught and frustrated with myself, not sure with how I would release this tribute. But the thought of ELF watching this video, and the thought of everyone who put so much effort in helping me produce this tribute pushed me to where I am now. I have so many people to thank for this, especially ELF and Super Junior.

I'm letting a small inch of hope within me pray that the boys will personally watch this video. I know it's a lot to wish for, but when I made this video, I had one thought in mind: This is for Super Junior. Instead of making an ordinary tribute to the group I wanted to make a video that would actually speak out to them. I wanted to show Super Junior that two years is never too long for us and that we will wait for them no matter what. I wanted them to relive the moments of being onstage and being united as one. I wanted this video to bring the memories back, and bring the group closer together. I wanted this tribute be a voice for all ELF around the world. I wanted to tell Super Junior, "We'll be here today, tomorrow, and forever."

It would mean so much to me if those who viewed this tribute could post/tweet this video link to the members' Twitter accounts and share the video with their friends with the hashtag #SujuForever. I know it will take a moment of your time, but if it's not too much, it would mean the absolute world to me if you could tweet the video link to the members and to your ELF-friends. (: It would mean so much to me if the words "Super Junior, we will stand by you forever." was actually acknowledged by Super Junior themselves. It would mean so much to me if Super Junior actually came and saw this video, read the words, and were able to officially confirm that as ELF from every part of the world and corner of the Earth, we will be here forever. We will stand by them no matter what. They won't have to turn around and look for us anymore because they'll know that we'll be right behind them. That's what this video is about, really. And that's what I wanted to say for the entire ELF community. Because this video is ELF's voice. It's our voice. It's our message of 영원히—Forever.

I would like to personally thank every single person who granted me the permission to use their edits and gifs. I would like to thank my close friend Dianne for writing the words that I could never be able to say all on my own. I would like to thank those who have watched this video and who have taken the time to spare their thoughts and impressions. I would like to thank those who have tweeted this to the members and who have helped try to send this message to the boys and the rest of the fandom. Most importantly I would like to thank Super Junior and ELF, for being there for me through all of the good and the bad. Thank you so much.

For the possibility of this video to match third party content, I noticed that this audio contains excerpts from copyrighted material. I made this video solely for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. Thank you."

credits:  FreeSeoul16 or


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