Serenity Application

Username: Lullabye

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Character Name: Byun Su-Ji [Su-Ji Byun]

Stage Name:  JiA

Age: 17

Birthday: 10/18/1994

Height (in cm): 168 cm

Weight (kg): 49 kg

Blood Type: AB-

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Language(s): Japanese, Korean

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea


Ulzzang used: Mikki




Personality: Su-Ji is terribly absent-minded, and has bad short term memory. She needs constant reminding to do everyday activites like brushing her teeth, doing her hair, washing up, and the list goes on. It takes a long time for her to memorize things due to her odd way. She can never remember lyrics unless she memorizes the backround music first. It's the same with choreography. Her long term memory, however, is fantastic. Once she (finally) memorizes something it will never leave her head. Su-Ji even has memories from before she was 2 years old. 

Perhaps being half-related to HyunA has something to do with it, but Su-Ji has a natural y "aura" while dancing. She tries her best to rid herself of that image while dancing, but it seems it will never leave.

Su-Ji has a motherly, nagging side to her. She will do her best to make sure her group members are feeling alright and are eating healthy. When it comes to younger children, she will instantly behave better around them, and never want to let them go.

Su-Ji is night owl, yet an early-riser. She will always wake up at 5AM on the dot, never a minute late, never a minute early.

She is quite fashionable, and tends to pay close attention to fashion trends going on.

Number Of Trainee Years: 2 years, 7 months

Trainee: Su-Ji desperately wanted to try out at some entertainment company. However, her father was short on money and wouldn't be able to afford the training. Su-Ji convinced her father to let her try out either way. During her try out with SM, the first thing she said was, "My father cannot afford the training." She was sent out immediately. The same process followed for YG and JYP. As she was giving up hope, a talent scout found Su-Ji preforming in front of a mall for money. She was taken to Woolim Entertainment to try out. The first thing, like usual, was to confess that her father couldn't pay the training fees. The man who was watching her audition said the price for training was cheaper than at the other entertainment companies. It turned out her father could afford it. Su-Ji was accepted after her audition.

Family Members: HyunA - half sister

Family Background: Su-Ji was truly never meant to be born. Her mother had an accidental affair with the next-door neighbor while the two were drunk. The affair was kept a secret for as long as possible. Her father could easily tell when Su-Ji was born he wasn't the one who fathered her. She was almost a clone of the neighbor. When Su-Ji could talk she moved in with her real father. Her father moved them to Japan for a few years to let Su-Ji see the culture and experience it. Due to that she is fluent in Japanese. When they moved back to South Korea, Su-Ji found out her sister had become an idol. Su-Ji was only 15 at the time. From then on, Su-Ji made it her goal to become just like her sister, and prove to her parents she wasn't a mistake.


  • The color purple
  • practicing with her sister
  • banana milk
  • cleaning (BUT THATS IMPOSSIBLE! D:)
  • babysitting for little kids


  • Being considered a mistake
  • Losing to her sister
  • Not being in contact with her real father
  • Her y "aura"
  • Thunder Storms
  • Throwing up


  • Learning new recipes
  • Practicing rapping
  • Yoga
  • Trying to better her memory
  • Cooking/Learning new recipes


  • Chewing gum
  • Wearing a jacket in public, even if it's 95 degrees outside
  • Cracking her fingers
  • Picking at her nails
  • If someone announces they are going to the bathroom/taking a shower/etc. Su-Ji will say, "Have fun!"

Extra Info: Ju-Si can play the piano. She is also double-jointed(hypermobility).



Love interest: Sungjong

Friends: L.Joe from Teen Top |  Yoo Kyung from A Pink

Best friends (maximum of 3): Key from SHINee | Minzy from 2NE1

Rival: HyunA is Su-Ji's rival. The two sisters may enjoy being in each others company, but they have a strong sibling rivalry either way. The two siblings constantly practice together when possible, but when practicing without the other, work on their own to do better than the other.

Infinite: Sungjong


 Position: Main Rapper [edit~~~ can, uhm, i, uhm, maybe, uhm. apply as main rapper? ouo i didn't know you had lead rapper picked out already]






I wanted to do a manager application too but I couldn't think of anything good //headdesk

and sorry that the singing and dancing videos are in japanese- but i find those sort of covers fit well since im not using any famous person or dance from korea, y'know~?

BUT annyeong~! it's taemin applying~! LOL




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