Kpop tag



1. What was the first Kpop song that you've heard 

BoA's eat you up? Even though if it was American. And I thought it was so too. If that doesn't count, it was "Sorry, Sorry" by Super Junior. I happened to be on vacation in Thailand. While the others were on the beach, I was a little sick, so I was "home" and watched the music channel:P The only reason I remember this, was because I wrote down the title:P Why? Oh, not because I liked the song (I like it now, though!), but because I was: "What the...? A boyband with... a lot of guys...!"

2. What was the first Kpop band you liked and still do 

Big Bang!

3. Who was your first biased ever in the Kpop industry?

G-Dragon:P I was watching "A Boy" too much!

4. What is your current favorite Kpop boy band?

._____. I don't like this question very much. Big Bang and Super Junior. And TVXQ will probably take that spot for a while very soon...

5. What is your current favorite Kpop girl band?


6. 3 current favorite Kpop song?

._____. I have no idea. I just... put music on shuffle, and take the next song if I don't like it... But perhaps "Sixth Sense" by BEG or Clover's "An Oppa I Know"

7. All time Kpop song for you?

I think it is "Keep Your Head Down" by DBSK. Seriously. I LOVE that song!

8. 5 current bias (girl band or boy band) ?

I really dislike this question a lot. Spot 2-5 are random. Seriously. I had nine, but I had to choose which one to put out D:

  • 1. Hangeng (Even though he is not in the Kpop industry anymore. And he took the first place long after he left...)
  • 2. Dara (She is awesome! Fun and cool! Just like me! JK, but our personality is so similar to each other, that it nearly frightens me. Nearly.)
  • 3. I hate this question. 
  • 4.
  • 5.

Random! (my bias list in a random... uhm... order!:

Donghae: I didn't even like him at first. I thought his looks was too... perfect faced. Then I learned to know him more, then I got attracted by his looks as well.... Gah!

G-Dragon: My first bias. He is multi talented DELUXE! He have it all!

Siwon: Well, I would not really consider him as a bias, but he still belongs on this list! His personality/qualities... And if you add the looks. Is it ANYTHING wrong with this guy?

Changmin: Well, he haven't been on that bias list long (too short and too few reasons to have him here, but he still belongs on it!), but after the SHILLA CF, I fell. He had always been my favorite in TVXQ (among all five of them), but that CF was the last drop that made him special to me (that sounds so weird!x))

Eunhyuk: Haven't been on my list for so long, but I get the tingely feeling (uhm, =uncontrollably feeling of fangirling) when I see him (in pictures/video clips;___; not in real life), especially when I discovered that he suits blonde hair REALLY well. And that his mouth is... why am I even looking at his mouth?

T.O.P: My second bias. He suddenly turned so after I learned Big Bang:P I didn't like his looks at first, but then I bought glasses (not litterally. I learned to like the look of Korean guys)

Kyuhyun: I have no idea why. Well, he is good looking (And while we're at it, I always fall for the long and skinny guys with that kind of look in their face .___.). And he is evil. Mwahahaha (I like that!)

9. Who would you like as a boyfriend/girlfriend in the kpop industry?

Uuuuhm... I actually don't have the wish of marrying any of them (for now), but I really want to befriend them! But when I look at the qualities of Siwon, he is very suitable as a boyfriend

10. What comes to mind when you hear the word "KPOP"?

"Kpop? WHO SAID THAT?" But it depends on the person who says it. If it is my Kpop friend, I will immediately think of "Itaewon Freedom" and the dance:P If it is a random person I know, I will just think of... Kpop... What else?



And now, TAG! You're it!




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