PLEASE.. if you can HELP me..

Hi guys.. I need your help..


Well there was this time I was reading a fanfiction here, and it was about Eunhae..

The story line was about Eunhyuk being an auther, and was married to Siwon, then Siwon die on there honymoon, or so.. 

Then he stopped wirting and kept himself home.. I think it was something like this..

Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the fic, and I haven't finish reading it, I got just to read the first 2 chapters :(..

Please if anyone of you knows the name of this fic tell me.. I really really want to read it..


Thanks in advance :D


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Badass_Kahi #1
I think so too..
I think it is the one jimjim175 mentioned it..
desertrose88 #2
I've read this one as well and forgot it's name


SJLainny - To Be Continued

i think this is what you're looking for
i know that. Unfortunately, i forgot what it was called. I read them last year. I did save the link though. But it took a lot of time for me to check.
I'll try to help you