[ ✎┇ back to school ↷ shin, aeyoung ]

shin, aeyoung
k-rst-n // 5 // kirston

DATE OF BIRTH:  31 July, 1994

AGE:  26


LINGUISTIC SKILL:  Korean / fluent; English / fluent; Spanish / basic (because she worked in an American high school, she picked up some basics)


TEACHING STYLE/WORK ETHICS:  Aeyoung has taken her years of studying in the US and transferred that to her own teaching. She uses all the techniques she's learned and implemented them in a way that will make her teaching stick in her student's minds. Known for her highly 'nontraditional' methods of teaching, she isn't your typical strict teacher. She favors discussions over lectures and projects over worksheets. She's the type of teacher that will instruct all students to push desks away to the edge of the room, sit on the floor in a circle, and then proceed to talk about their favorite books.

She tries not to change her personality too much, but it's only natural to be a little different when she's with coworkers versus when she's with her pupils. While with other teachers, she obviously won't be scolding them for being tardy and such, but she'll still be annoyed if they're ever late to meetings or anything. She doesn't make friends easily, but she doesn't mind. She's completely professional around coworkers and never steps out of line .Other teachers are a little wary around her because of her unconventional ways of teaching, but she's used to it and doesn't give any heed to it.


`allergic to bull, so don't give her any lame excuses. she will call you out on it
`allergic (for real this time) to peanuts

`being in charge
`student partcipation in discussions

`her family (she has cut off all contact)
`being undermined
`cursing, she hates it even more when she hears students cursing


`start screaming in English when angry
`mentions random Spanish words into her `conversations (it makes her feel smarter)
`stop teaching and stare at students who are talking while she is until they notice

Her family didn't want her to be a teacher. They felt as if the job wasn't as sophisticated enough and that only low and middle class people were teachers. They made her an ultimatum: choose her family or choose her teaching career. She chose the latter and has all since cut off contact with her family.


PERSONALITY:  [ foreign and exotic, determined, influential, impatient ]

Aeyoung has almost become a whitewashed Korean - almost, but not quite. Having lived in the United States for so long (Rhode Island, to be more specific) she has since then adapted the American lifestyle. There are still some Korean mannerisms she has kept, like taking shoes off when entering homes and she still eats her fruit cut up into little pieces with a toothpick, but other than that, she's comepletely changed. Now that she has moved back to Korea after graduating with a Masters from Brown University, she's seen as foreign and exotic to the native Koreans. Even the way she acts is completely foreign; she'll eat with spoons and forks instead of chopsticks, she'll also sometimes forget her honorifics, and even worse, sometimes even forgetting to bow to her elders.

Extremely determined, Aeyoung has made it her personal mission to fix the system at Gimsung High School. She's appalled at the lack of care the school has and wants to do everything in her power to make sure that is changed. She hates the state of the school and the fact that the students seem to not care and she has made it clear that nothing like that will ever be acceptable as long as she is still teaching there.

She is a very influential person. Aeyoung is the person that can get people to do what she wants them to do - no questions asked. You could call a person like her persuasive, but she prefers influential - to her it sounds smarter. Of course she doesn't abuse her power, no matter how much she may want to, but she does use it for good. This is the girl that changed a dirt poor high school in the US into one of the most prestigious there ever was.

Impatience is her flaw. She wants results and she wants them fast. When Aeyoung doesn't see things changing quickly enough, she gets frustrated - at herself and at others. When students of hers don't understand something the first time, she'll get annoyed with them. Sometimes she forgets that she's no longer teaching American students and that she's dealing with Korean students now. She then ends up basically punishing her students for the mere fact that they don't act like typical American students. She needs to learn that while her foreign ways are all good and dandy, she has to adjust them to fit the style of her Korean students.





The (Written) Interview


I wanted to make a difference. School systems now a days are pitiful and I want to change that. When I first moved to the US, the education system was a joke. It surprised me coming from a country that put so much emphasis on academics that other countries might not be like that. Students now only care about having fun and being cool. I wanted to teach to them that if you don't learn anything, then your life will be pointless. Education is everything, and I wanted to prove that. 


I currently am in between jobs. Having just came back from teaching and earning my English degrees in America, I am not teaching at the moment until I find another school. Whole teaching at my former high school, I had a variety of subjects, however, English was the one I liked best. 


I've heard about this school before. Heard it was the worst school in all of South Korea. If I were to teach there I know I would make it my duty to change how the school worked. I was excited yet scred. The school would be a new challenge for me. It was a tough one, though. The students at Gimsung seem to be content with their lifestyle at the school. I hope they won't put up too much of a fight with the changes I'll make, but I know they will. 


HAHAHAHAHA NOPE. Using my coauthor privileges here. 

LAST COMMENTS:  Tori, I did this for you. If it were up to me I probably wouldn't have done this. Does anyone even ever look at the example apps??




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