-insert strings of curses here -

I'm so pissed right now. once upon a time, I had this online friend. we used to be close until she becomes weird and y (excuse my vulgar word) so I try to distance myself. then her friends claimed that she's dead because of cancer.... then she become a zombie and come back saying that she's not ing dead at all. I was pissed. how dare she lied to me. she said it wasn't her fault but seriously? death? fine a few months later, she died (again) because of suicide and her friends deleted her account. I wasn't even sorry. I think she's lying again. you might think this time is real and I'm being cruel. but you're wrong and I was right. she. is. ing. alive. dafuq? I just saw her account. I thought she woukld cover it better by using a different name, a different username maybe? but nope, its the same. that. I thought if she lied about her death its because she needed a breather. but now she's back and clearly alive, she clearly states that she lied about the suicide. wtf? dude, if you say that you lied and close your account because you got sick of it I can understand but doing it this way just ing proved that you're a mothering attention seeker. you know how much I ing cared at first? I even felt guilty by thinking you might be lying. unlike you, I don't take death, especially suicides or cancer, as a freaking game. they are not laughing matters. omg I'm so mad i feel like crying. and to tell you the truth, I've never cried for so damn long now. I feel like I just got cheated by a boyfriend. sorry for posting this but I just wanted you to know that even online, when you are atrached to someone, don't lied something so horrible to them. you may lie your age, your race, its internet, its normal, but death is a whole different levels. its very sensitive. im very sensitive. ugh k bye


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I used to have this same kind of "friend" u know. She was lying about her family, about her "boyfriend", about her pets, about her father beeing in the army... well a lot of stuff. But pay attention to what did i said: "uset to", because we're no longer friends. I was the one who cut it all out, sick of all the "attention seeking", your own words. My advice is to forget about your friend cuz in the end you will continue to get hurt, over and over again. And she's not even lying about some random s she's lying about her death, God... You will get over her, TRUST me I know what am I talking about.
faanda #2