ottokhae T^T

I just got bad news....


My parents want to send me to a private school.... must be great...yeah learning in a classroom with air-conditioner

And the school was one of the best school

But I'm still doesn't want to go there..

you know this kind school had students from wealthy background and I really hate if they kind of queenka and kingka...urghh...-_-

I'm was a girl that easily change follow up with who I friend with...before this I can of feminine girl but after I grown up and hate a super duper fighting with my brother I change to a tomboy

since last year I change back to a girl with tomboy style that sometime not to tomboy

this year I became a talkative one, right after I had big funny conversations with my dearest cousin...

my cousin call me 'baby tua' which mean old baby -_-

so i decided to call him 'orang tua' which mean old man, I keep remember of Chanyeol when I was thinking about him

my other cousin untalkative but I'm close with him to last time he was walking and he passed me....while he walking in front of me he said to me 'weii budak' which mean 'hey kiddy'

yah I'm not a kiddy T^T I'm a grown up girl

want to know cousin was...

:p if want to know what it is PM me :3

sometime I can be that cruel

ok want is this already out of main subject.... I doesn't want to go to that school ><

jebal TT^TT


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If you don't want to go, talk to your parents. Tell them your views, dialogues with them as adults. Understand that your parents want a better education for you, but they must also understand that you are not comfortable is that school. Try to talk to them and don't get it, you have to go. I hope that you do well and good luck, Fighting!