This Little Confusion I'm Having

Hello readers! this is Zoey :D

I am here with my FIRST TIME EVER blog post! hooray for me! :P

so anyway, I'm here for a purpose. I want to share about my small confusion about writing this fanfic. 

as you can see, me and my comrade Maddie, has abandon our old fanfiction to work on the newest called:

Twitter Is How I Met Him

(you can look forward to that in my stories.)

I'm currently working on the next chapter for the fanfiction above. so please be patient readers-who-won't-comment-or-even-subscribe :)

But there's a slight tiny problem. there are few of random inspirations popping on my head every time. I tried to combine those random inspirations with my story, but doesn't seem to fit. and if I think that the inspiration is good enough to make a story...

alas, I will write another fanfiction according to the inspirations. but not uploading them. (a.k.a, keeping them for myself in Microsft Word and laughing by myself re-reading the fanfiction.)

and I want to apologize if I'm like, soooooooooo slow on updating the fanfiction, I'm a turtle :3

today, I would also like to clarify a few things:

1. in my previous fanfiction (which Maddie has deleted) I have mentioned the name FELITA as the lead character. yes, she's a real person. and she also happens to be a friend of mine from Indonesia. HOW COOL IS THAT?! XD *cough* and the name TIFFANY, well... Tiffany SNSD is my bias too so I just HAD to use her name... get it? ;)

2. I noticed in every fanfiction I've written, Jonghyun is always the leading male character, well he's my bias so I can't make another fanfic with different male lead... :P sorry

3. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit sad and dissapointed. In my newest fanfic, I have hundreds of viewers, but not even 1 subscribers or 1 comment at least. I even have updated an Author's Note to ask for at least 1 person to give a respon. but I got nothing... :'( this is how sad I am. That fanfic I wrote, I wrote it for Felita. since she's like my own sister although we've never met before and all we do is Skype. will it really be a disaster for you guys to give a respon?? it's truly painful you know :( I wanted to know how the story's going. is it boring, is it fascinating, is it interesting or what? I will try my best though to update every single time and hope that you guys would respon soon.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, much love :*



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