I was thinking...

Okay so..


I was thinking of writing a fic.

I'm not sure if I should or not.

And since I just created an account and all.

I'm not new to asianfanfics though.

I have read a lot of fics even if I hadnt had an account.

It's just that I keep debating whether I should start a fic or not.

What if I'm not that good.

English is not my mother language and I might not be as good as the other authors here.

I envy them. Really. They are awesome.

I do have a story in mind but.. i dunno....

So what do you think? 

Should I? or Should I not?



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I think you should post it! I'd love to read your ideas :)
Just do what you want to do. The fact that you are asking this question is that you really want to share your story but you are afraid or hesitant, about the response it would get. A writer can't please everybody and you shouldn't try pleasing everyone by writing a story based on others' preferences. Write a story you would like to read. That is my advice.