Baekyeol, Hunhan or JRen Part 2

According to the votes on my previous blog post, 




l've been asked by several people to write Hunhan and even more for JRen.

So, here's the plan. l'll write them all but l need plotlines;

Baekyeol~ Baekhyun and Chanyeol stay behind to practice their favourite sport some more. They go for a shower in the boys lockerrooms. Baekhyun "slips" and that's when the fun starts.

JRen~ They get back from dance practice and decide to go for a friday night drink. After a few too mant taquila shots, JR/Ren (not ture who bottoms. HELP PLZ) proposes they play a little game.

Hunhan~ l'm still thinking. l need to make this one super y for my husbands *-*


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JR's bottom. Not everyone realises it, but it's true. xD
Hunhan pls