Review: My Fear is Betrayal_HansolLover

My Fear Is Betrayal - angst dark sad tears drabble - main story image

Title 10/10

It really describes the outcome of the story. I love it- starting fromt he back and working foreward.


Appearance 10/10

I really like your poster. I think it really portrays the girl of the story.

Your tigger gif in the description is really smart.


Description and Foreword 10/10

This foreword... I can not explain (what I feerrll) how much you've touched me. You just described my life in three sentences. When I read this, I just wanted to cry.

Ok enough with the opinions:

I think you did really well capturing your reader's attention.


Charecterization 15/15

I really can't say anything. It's you I'm talking about. You've really protrayed the girl (who I'm guessing is you) really well- the "have friends but don't have friends". I can connect to her really well.


Plot 18/20

I loved the plot. I thought it was super duper good. I know it was based off of life experiences and I applaud you for writing them (fanfic style).

I was really confused about the betrayal part. I still don't know what happened, how the girl learned that she was betrayed just from tears (or maybe I'm just not getting the clues or putting everything together).


Grammar 25/25

You've got no mistakes, but even if you did, the story was just so good to notice them


Bonus 10/10

I've never really liked drabbles, but you've changed my views. I seriously adore this story. I love it.

Thanks for being a fellow life experience fanfic writer (maybe that's why all my fanfics are depressing).


Overall Score 98/100

It might have seem that I was being too easy

but this is seriously a really nice story.

Oh, and I like your username,

my fellow 7teen lover ^^






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