` ( the grand — KIM CHAEYOUNG


the grand at seoul

kim, chaeyoung.



check in


username: lovesiick
name:  rin
activity level: 8-9, depending on how lazy i get + le schoolwork im always too lazy to do > u <

character name:  kim chaeyoung / julie (english name)

 ❝ chae  — an endearing nickname her close friends and family call her. originally coined by her older brother, woobin.  jongin also calls her this when they become closer to one another
kim youngi  — what her best friend victoria usually calls her
yeppeun-ah  — literally means "pretty". jongin began to call her this later on 

dob:  february 14, 1992
age: 22
ethnicity: korean-american
place of birth: san diego, california
hometown: fallbrook, sandiego
languages: english (fluent), korean (fluent), japanese (conversational)

ulzzang: kim seykhye
gallery:  gallery + favorites: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
back up:  baek sumin
gallery: gallery


❝ height & weight  — chaeyoung's body is quite toned due to her being involved in sports such as lacrosse and cross country. she weighs about 115lbs (during winter, she usually weighs heavier, around 125-130lbs) and stands at about 5'4ft (not being the tallest of the bunch, it was usually victoria who won in that department) 

❝ hair & skin  — short hair was something she usually didn't do and had always grew her hair longer than shoulder length. she likes her natural dark brown hair, with bangs covering the top of her forehead. she takes care of her skin as if she was scarred the day before. she doesn't miss out on any part of her skin care routine and goes crazy whenever she doesn't complete it. she has naturally ivy skin and dislikes the idea of getting dark. her usual look usually consists of her favorite bb cream and loose powder, some peach colored blush on, a natural shade of porcelain pink, a thin dash of eyeliner and her favorite long lash mascara.  

❝ usual fashion junkie — anything trendy fits chaeyoung's taste. her favorite apparels include maxi skirts, skater skirts, batwing tops, knitted sweaters,  high waisted shorts, candy colored flats, and sneaker wedges. if she's feeling extra lazy, she'll usually just grab one of her flip flops and run. since she's someone who always wants to appear as best dressed, she takes her time in the mornings to make an effort. some of her favorite brands include guess, calvin klein, forever 21, stylenanda, and topshop.


birthmark — at the base of her neck underneath her clavicle is a heart shaped birthmark (link). it's something she was known for when she was in high school since it was unusual for someone to have a heart shaped birthmark 

❝ trademark earrings  — for her 16th birthday, her dad gave her first tiffany jewelry. it was a crown pearl earring (link) that she's been looking at for quite some time. since her brother knew how much she wanted it, he told their dad and her dad then went on to buy her a pair. 


elevator races


persona:  the two best friends
personality traits:  impulsive, narcisstic, indecisive, selfish, instinctive

the not so californian girl — when people hear california, they think of liberated, wild, and free. they tend to forget that there's a part of california where houses are 1 minute walk away from one another filled with vast grasses and treets, views of nothing but big mountains and grounds. welcome to fallbrook, san digeo, where your local grocery store is a 20 minute drive and the korean grocery practically an hour away from where they live. honestly, it was a setting in which chaeyoung  felt forced to fit into since her personality suited more of a city girl than someone who grew up with a large tree yeard filled with fruits in her back yard. nonetheless, her small and quiet home town did not stop her from being who she wants to be. she's a good multitasker, enjoying being restless. naturally outspoken, this girl will say what she wants people to know but that doesn't mean she doesn't know when to keep shut. however, too often than none, she does have her moments where she ends up blurting things out. which is why chaeyoung isn't very reliable either when it comes to secrets. she doesn't have a lot of people she considers as good friends either. so if you're on her tiny list of "best friends", then lucky you because this girl will be your partner, cheerleader, and diary all at once and trust her when she tells you she'll take your secrets to the grave (that is her only exception, sadly).

❝ princess in the house  — she's a social bumblebee and finds it easy to get along with others, just a little bit reluctant on who she should share her stories with. she's also one of those girls that holds their chin high whenever they walk in corridors, only because she believes that the way a person holds herself reflects a lot on her personality and characteristics. albeit this, she is a strong girl, emotionally and mentally but don't be surprised to realize that she has two personalities. one minute demure and doting and the next wild and unpredictable. this also goes along with her quick emotional phases, one minute happy and the next totally over her head and depressed. those close to her know how normal this is. unphased by her quick 3 second emotional roller coaster, they'll usuaully reason this out as her undecisiveness (which is most of the time, true). one of her key traits is her risky personality. risks are something she isn't afraid of and maybe that's why she's so adaptable when it comes to changes. with her charm, she'll be able to persuade even a rat to come play with a cat. her persuasion skills are no joke and something that helps her with that is her bluntness.

❝ not so perfect afterall  — however, this is also why she's so undecisive. she's so rash and quick to make decisions that she's often left with these strings of questions, wondering if she actually did something right or something that would scar her image. however, she's very straightforward when it comes to expressing her thoughts and she isn't afraid to have different opinions from others either. when there's something she doesn't want, she won't say she'll stick up with it, unlike the others who doesn't have the guts to say anything.  albeit to all that, chaeyoung admits that her personality overall is contradictory but in fact, doesn't mind it at all. she views it as her main 'charm', like a chameleon ready to change its' color and skin. this girl can be very persistent if she wanted to. although there is always a lot of people to advise her, she usually doesn't listen to anyone but the voice inside her head. she decides with her instincts and, well, is either right or wrong. she's hard headed, a bit selfish, often vain, and sometimes has, has a not so nice temper. she's been given everything she wanted since she was a child and maybe that explains why she's the type of person that wants what she wants right away. she isn't the type to wait she's also very vain and shallow, narcissism at its' best. she complains often, and is very impatient. she has a competitive heart and doesn't back down from a challenge. however, one of her biggest flaws would be thinking too much and overanalyzing situations and words. she usually spends sleepless nights just thinking and thinking, thinking of a bunch of things all at once. rejection is something she isn't familiar with either and it's ironic, since she's such a risk taker. however, since she doesn't usually get rejected, she is unfamiliar with the emotion, thus lost and confused whenever she gets turned down.

chai tea latte 
  its her most favorite drink in the world. nothing is able to calm her down after drinking a cup of this drink. whether its hot or cold. especially during times when she needs to focus like exams, she'll usually go to her favorite coffee shop and get a sip of this
boba tea 
 although not usually up for sugary drinks, boba teas are her only exceptions. her usual flavors are early grey (her ultimate favorite!), peppermint (only 50% sugar), and if shes feeling extra risky with the sweetened drink, she'll order wintermelon milk tea
shopping, shopping, shopping! 
 who doesnt like shopping? this girl goes shopping almost always all the time, thus resulting to her being scolded at all times
going out 
 there isnt anything more fun than to go out with friends and family for her. she especially liked going on joyrides with her best friends since she lived in an environment filled with trees and mountains
 although she doesnt look like your general bookworm, she actually loves to read
 the scent of the grass after the rainstorm is over, buying new oil, and testing new fragrances, there's nothing that this girl doesn't like about aromatherapy
cold weather  her favorite weather is winter! she also likes it when its raining
 she especially likes the eat all you can places. her favorites are pancakes, ramen, sausage, and eggs. ps, she's a sushi lover!
 shes a big dog lover! shes an absolute animal lover and is always seen with her pet dog miniature poodle named Maui

hot, humid weather 
 she dislikes the sticky feeling she gets whenever its hot, she feels as if she needs to take a shower every hour or so
waiting in a long line time 
 if theres something you cant expect her to do, it'll be to wait in a really long line. she's never been the patient type and nothing will stop her from complaining when she's put to wait
tight and fitted clothing 
— she has exceptions but one thing you'll never seen in this girl are tight and fitted clothing. she isn't usually fond of body fitting clothes either 
flying bugs 
— one of her pet peeves are flying bugs. its not that shes scared of them, its more of the annoying feeling they give
this girl absolutely cannot stand not doing anything and will most likely busy herself by even cleaning and organizing 
↬ not being able to buy what she wants — chaeyoung is pretty impulsive and when she wants it, she wants it right away. not getting what she wants usually leads her to sulk and whine, but usually forgets about it later on due to the fact that what she wants varies and changes so quickly 
↬ being badmouthed — ironically, she hates what she loves to do most, which is gossiping

buying things she doesn't need — you can call her an impulse shopper all you want because she knows how much of a shopper she is. she usually ends up selling them after she's worn it one time or two since she gets sick of her clothes pretty easily. it's the same for her cosmetics and other things
↬ not finishing what she's started — she'll start a drama today and vow to finish it within the week but you'll find her going back to it a month later since she claims she's forgotten all about it but really she just felt too lazy to check on it again
↬ nagging — this girl will anag you to death when she wants something done. she will not stop until you do what she wants you to do
↬ actng on impulse — since she's pretty impulsive, she does things without a second thought and this usually leads her to regretting it later on 
↬ biting on her lower lip — this would explain why she always buys lip scribs. chaeyoung will usually nibble on her lips and end up with chewed skin all over. 

↬ shopping
↬ playing with her dog
↬ going out for a jog  when she's stressed
↬ organazing her planner
↬ going out with friends
↬ watching movies and dramas


↬ she's only been to korea twice, once when she was in elementary school and the second time when her maternal grandmother passed away
↬ her dad is 100% american and her parents met during an injury while working on field, 
↬ after 10 years of marriage though, her parents divorced and her dad moved to chicago with his new family. they stayed behind california and moved to fallbrook, a quiet suburbian town 
↬ for her 20th birthday, she got her first credit card which is tied with her dad's card
↬ her ideal man is actor ji hyunwoo
↬ she can speak english better than korean but she can speak her mother tongue well since it's the language they use at home
↬ she's always late when you meet her outside of school. like everytime. so don't expect her to come early, she won't
 her least favorite subject is math
↬ she did ballet as a child and has always liked running
 she owns an apricot toy poodle named maui
 doesn't really like cakes with too much chocolate (unless its twix and kitkat since those are her favorites)
 she drools in her sleep. something shes not very fond of

background: chaeyoung, or otherwise known as julie in school, was born in san diego, california to a korean mother and korean-american dad. when she was in elementary school right before she entered sixth grade, her parents divorced and both herself and her older brother moved to fallbrook with their mom. however, that didn't mean she didn't see her dad often. unlike her brother woobin, who is hostile around their dad, she usually flies to chicago to stay with him and his new wife (who is awfully nice to her).  it was also in her sixth grde when she started to become involved in sports. there, she met her long lost sister from another mother, her best friend, victoria song. being in a town where koreans were rare, she was glad that she found someone who was like her, which was victoria. they both did cross country and lacrosse and it was during this year when they became extremely close. since then, they became inseperable. for her 22nd birthday, her dad granted chaeyoung and victoria 2 tickets to seoul, which granted them the whole summer in a hotel he is a stock holder for, the grand. 


matthew kelly┊ 56┊ sodier┊ strong minded, intellectual, humorous, nagging ┊even though they only see each other thrice to four times a year, matthew usually keeps in contact with her. since she's more affectionate to him than her older brother, she's usually the one he contacts. they are very close, often leaving each other supportive messages and when she has league competitions, he flies to san diego to watch. matthew and his ex-wife, hwayoung is mutual one another and stayed friends rather than enemies. he doesn't have any children with his new wife, since he believes that chaeyoung and woobin is enough.

mother ┊ kim hwayoung (jane) ┊49┊nurse┊soft spoken, kind, affectionate, strong willed┊hwayoung never failed to take care of her children and always included them in her plans. she's smart and intelligent, someone who you can rely on for anything. chaeyoung is very close to her mom and is glad she can tell her about everything, even boys. they rarely fight and are very affectionate with one another. 

older brother  kim woobin┊25┊athlethe/part time nurse┊rumbunctious, opinionated, headstron, persistent, protective┊the older brother everyone wishes they have. since their dad left at an age where he could easily misunderstand things, he quickly matured and became protective over the two women in his life. he's very close with chaeyoung and they're often seen each other around town.  


poolside chillin'

 victoria song  f(x)┊ 23 ┊ undergraduate; in her last year of fashion school┊intelligent, charming, easily approachable, consistent, reliable┊the two instantly became close during 6th grade when chaeyoung moved to fallbrook. since they were bot korean, they found it easier to relate to one another. they've been best friends since then and has always celebrated their birthdays together since they have the same birthdate. however, they were born in different years, victoria being one year older. she's very patient and giving when it comes to the rowdy and moody chaeyoung and her wits are always put to a test when she begins to ask questions she's never even wondered about. however, since they have similar interests despite their clashing personalities, they find it easy to blend with one another. victoria knows she can depend on chaeyoung and that she would be there in a heartbeat if she needed someone to be by her side. 

ahn sohee┊22┊fashion intern┊chic, straight forward, fashionable, understaning┊part of the same posse with victoria and chaeyoung. chaeyoung begins to call her when she finds out that victoria likes jongin as well
others: i want to be friends with the other plotlines but i really don't mind any so i leave this part all up to you. c:

rivals: her bestfriend l0l > * <




we found love at a buffet

kim, jongin.




kokoro goes doki doki


persona:  the playful lifeguard

love interest:  kim jongin (exo)
backup: nichkhun horvejkul (2pm)

initially, chaeyoung found him too childish for his age. she found him too conservative, sarcastic, concieted, and imature. he played too much pranks whenever she met him (all through a funny twist of connection and fate of course) and he was always joking around. always teasing chaeyoung, telling her how good it'd be if he had such a pretty girlfriend who'd call him 'oppa'. although playful, she realized that he wasn't as bad as she thought and rather, cute. after an incident in which she was trapped in the elevator with him, he had become all things a girl could ask for, dashing and marvelous and she was completely sweeped off by her feet with his mesmerizing eyes and good looking eye smile. he had a good memory. he remembered dates rather than moments and he was very well with remembering small moments such as the first time he opened the door for her, the color of her lipstick, and the length of her hair when he first saw her. he liked winter, her favorite season, and he loved to eat as much as she did. she also soon found out that tao didn't mind so much of her picky persnality, especially when it came to food and clothing. "you have all the reasons to be picky," he told her once. "so go ahead and be choosy".  

jongin is the type of person that doesn't need the feel to impress either. although outspoken, he doesn't draw attention to himself and rather, stays quiet about his accomplishments. he's surprisingly conservative and doesn't like too much skin on girls (and on chaeyoung either although it's strictly platonic... until later on). when he's going through a tough time, he won't ask for a hand but will endure it alone. he was always an aegyeo type of person. he would act cute towards her (and victoria too) in order to get what he wants and somehow, chaeyoung (unknowingly victoria too) always fell for them. he also had a way with words and this made her flutter everytime he spoke so eloquently. maybe this was the reason why she fell for him so hard.

how their story began — for the most part, it was always chaeyoung making an effort to get his attention— initially. chaeyoung doesn't know when it began either but she started getting a hunch that victoria was interested in someone in the hotel since she always went out by herself. it didn't take long enough for chaeyoung to figure out that jongin was interested in her. it wasn't as if chaeyoung was oblivious to her bestfriend's developing feelings either, it was just that she was so focused on getting jongin's attention. chaeyoung and jongin began talking when he noticed she had troubles with the lockers. "do you need any help?" he had flashed her that charming smile of his and chaeyoung felt like instantly melting into pudding. she nodded pathetically and found herself stumbling with words that she couldn't form in (for the first time too). however, jongin smiled at her and said, "you're foreign aren't you?" from then, they began to have a conversation. they began to always see each other at the pool after that and always had lively and bright conversations. sometimes with victoria too since she was always with chaeyoung and other times just alone with her. it wasn't until one late evening when jongin bumped into chaeyoung in the elevator. she was planning on getting a midnight snack from the vending machienes when he spontaneously asked, "are you planning on eating? mind eating with me?"

❝ arising troublemakers —as victoria's best friend, she knew when she had interest on someone and she began to worry; she wanted to tell her best friend so badly that they ate out and had a nice conversation (not to brag or anything) but somehow, she couldn't. until one night, when victoria came to their suit after a late swim did she confess, "ohgod, he's so charming. i think i'll ask him for lunch tomorrow!" she was so happy and giggly and chaeyoung didn't want to ruin her mood but she ended up blurting, "i liked him first!" 

❝ let the games begin —their summer turned out to be a competition. instead of having the time of their lives exploring the vast lands of their mother land, the two fought for the attention of none other than kim jongin. 

first meet:  it began when they first arrived at the hotel. chaeyoung didn't know it but at that time, it was actually jongin's dismissal from work and he was ready to go home when he saw her struggling with luggages. she just got off the plane and victoria had rushed to the bathroom since she needed to go pee so badly. chaeyoung just wanted to get to their hotel room since she was feeling slimy and greasy when suddenly, jongin helped her as he flashed his pearly whites at her. from then on, she was mesmerized. it wasnt until she went to the pool did she find out that he was actually a lifeguard. their second meeting was in the lockers when she had troubles setting her lock but it was apparent and obvious that jongin did not remember her anymore.


enjoy your stay, i guess.

` ( the two best friends — 

why did you two want to go to seoul? —since they grew up abroad, they've always wanted to visit their hometown.
chicks before or before chicks? — initially, they'll ignore it. after all, chicks before . however, chaeyoung soon began to notice that they were beginning to start a rivalry, on who can get jongin's attention first and sadly, she was being lured in, blinded by competition and jealousy, the two girls begin to compete only chaeyoung taking the upper hand. however, she isn't quite satisfied. she doesn't want to hurt her best friend's feelings but at the same time, she wants the guy. 

comments/suggestions:  i hope you don't mind that i changed their birth year. but if you're bothered by it, then go ahead and change it oho. and i hope you dont mind me changing my whole app too. i suddenly didn't like how my old application was ; ; and i got a bit lazy towards the end, isn't it obvious? lol. whatever im lacking, feel free to tell me so i can get at least inspiration because dayumn being lazy feels sooooo good. 
requests: i promise to add this in later! oho~

❝ hotel rooftop — but one with a roof. does that make sense? lol. like an indoor pool in the rooftop and an outdoor pool as well. something like that, with the view of the city
❝ hotel lounge filled with vending machines — for  the midnight snack lovers like chaeyoung lol




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