I'm a bit confused. This week has been highly busy for me, and I like to take small day dreaming breaks to calm my nerves.

What kind of girl doesn't dream about love, you know?

And in my 21 years of living, I have been unfortunate to experience it yet.

In my opinion, small acts of PDA is fine to me, as long as its appropiate and sincere.

I'm currently at my college's library working on my research paper for transracial adoption, feeling quite productive since I'm next to a large window that gives a great view over the city.

Below me is a couple, two girls probably no older than I, who seem to be in their own world. As creepy as it sounds, I observe them, curious about the situation happening below, and watch how one girl is crying and how the other tries to kiss her tears away.

I read a load of eunhae fics, but I've never actually SEEN someone kiss tears away until now.

To me I find it sweet, and I try my best to try to let them have their intimate moment, but since I've never seen PDA in such ways before, my curiousity caught the best of me.

None of the kisses were deep, just light enough to soothe, and I figured the girl must be crying for what her lover for she kept turning her head away from the kisses.

I should be ashamed of watching something that isn't my business, it was so real. The other kept trying to talk to her when her kisses were refused, and now I completely understand the description of whispering words into another's mouth.

I was silently cheering for the girl to stop crying and just give in, because really the other girl seemed sincere in her actions, but then this elder lady comes and sits at my table and notices the couple as well. Where my observations were discreet and thoughtful, hers were flabbergasted and outright rude.

She goes off to find a librarian, dragging two of them back over to my desk so she could complain.

It upset me, for the couple below honestly weren't doing anything wrong, but the eyes of the old lady were accusing as she pointed down to them and requested to make them move.

The librarians looked at one another and said they aren't doing anything wrong, therefore can't do anything about it, and I was like YEAH THEY WEREN'T SO SHUT UP OLD LADY AND LEAVE THEM ALONE, whereas the old lady becomes all flustered and embarrassed for causing a scene.

When I looked back down the girl looked consoled, and the two of them walked off in a better mood, but this old lady in front of me ruined my ambiance.

What was the problem? Is it really that disgusting to see a small act of PDA? Or is it because they were two girls?

I don't know what love is, but I know it deserves more credit than that.

And it frustrates me more because just a few days ago I try to use our school's restroom only to be put in a situation of someone in there trying to have . Now THAT is what I consider inappropiate. I have the right to use the restrooms in peace, not feeling confused when I hear moans and curses in the stall next over. And I hate my naivity because I literally sat there wondering if I should call somebody because I didn't know if whoever was in the stall next to me was in pain or not.

It was the pleasured "oh " followed by a giggle/moan and a "shhh" that helped me figure it out.

I've read too many fics to not understand THAT.

Anyway, I don't even know what I'm complaining about anymore, but I would love opinions on this. I'm not the only one who sees limits on PDA right?


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Wow that old lady is just too conservative and thick headed :/ some people can't accept changes. That type of PDA was sweet and haha sorry for what you had to experience in the bathroom x)
Waah! I've never seen such a thing happen. It sounds so sweet...seriously~ I am so mad at the old lady...I mean seriously? Ughhh