98 truths! (which 2 aren't truths?:O) STOOOLEN.


1. Real Name: NOPE. Maren
2. Nicknames: Maren
3. Zodiac Sign: Twin
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: NOPE.
6. High School: Lol, we have a different school system in Norway, do we kiiiinda don't have high school.
7. College: Haven't decided on future education yet.
8. Hair color: Dirt blonde? With a hind of bronze and light blonde?
9. Tall or short: Tall. 178 cm
10. IM or email: email
11. Skirts or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Phone
13. Health Freak: I like eating healthy food. WATER!<3
14. Orange or Apple: Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone: No.
16. Eat or Drink: Eat
17. Piercings: I pierced my ears twice, but it grew both of the times >-< I even used them._.
18. Pepsi or coke: Both. But I drink Coke more often.
19. Been in an Airplane: Yup!
20. Been in a relationship: Nope!
21. Been in a car accident: No 
22. Been in a fist fight: Not that I can remember.
23. First piercing: Ears
24. Current best friends: Vivi.
25. First award: I can't remember. Either drawing or horse riding.
26. First crush: Lol. Bendik x)
27. First word: "Mamma" (mom). Less than a week after I was born:P
29. Last person you talked to in person: My mom.
30. Last person you texted: My best friend, Vivi.
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My mom and stepdad.
33. Last movie you watched: The Last Samurai, I think?
34. Last song you listened to: Oh, no.... Bee Gees' "Stayin Alive" JUST because of this tumblr post: http://bit.ly/YI59z6 DYING!
35. Last thing you bought: Probably a bus ticket.
36. Last person you hugged: Mom
37. Favorite Food: FOOD *u* Uuuhm... INDIAN food? Thai food? My step mom is Thai, and she is GREAT at making food*-*
38. Favorite Drink: Tropical juice
39. Bottoms: Sweatpants... Or did you mean right now? Jeans.
40. Flower: Cherry blossoms... Sakura!
41. Animal: Cat animals... Cats, tigers, pumas...
42. Color: Hot pink, summer green, sea green.
43. Movie: Too many movies... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... Robin Hood: Men in Tights? The Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
44. Favorite subject: Math, Graphic Design. But I don't go to school right now, but those were my favorite subjects.
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] Gotten Baptized.
46. [] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [/] Had your heart broken.
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [] had someone question your ual orientation. // as a joke,
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] Did something you regret.
54. [x] Broke a promise. (probably. Can't remember. But I'm usually VERY loyal)
55. [x] Hide a Secret.
56. [x] Pretended to be happy.
57. [x] Met someone who changed your life. (Everyone changes ones life)
58. [x] Pretended to be sick.
59. [x] Left the country.
60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (Can't remember, but probably. I like to try new stuff, so I can't say that I normally wouldn't try it, because I normally try stuff:P)
61. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] Ran a mile. (probably in PE)
63. [] Went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [] Hated someone. (More like strongly dislike)
66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. (I've stayed single my whole life, baby)
67. Eating: Nothing.
68. Drinking: Nothing.
69. Listening To: Nothing.
70. Sitting/Laying: Half sitting and half laying in my bed.
71. Plans for today: Visit Vivi tonight, sleep over, and plan our trip to Copenhagen.
72. Waiting for: Nothing.
73. Want kids: Lol, no. I'm not there quite yet. If I meet a guy, I would travel the world with him... Having kids wouldn't make it easy to travel the world.
74. Want to get married: Yup!
75. Career: I have NO idea, which ! Because I'm supposed to choose right NOW. (more like a month ago...)
76. Lips or Eyes: Uhm... What? Eyes?
77. Shorter or taller: Exactly where I am. Don't some guys like tall girls? Lol. But I kinda wish I was shorter, though, then I could dress in cute clothes without being weird, and find jeans that were long enough:/
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous
81. Hook-up or relationship:  Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Both.
83. Lost glasses/contacts: No, don't use any
84. Snuck out of the house: No.
85. Held a gun/knife for self: Yup!
87. Broken someone's heart: Probably? If so, I didn't knew then, but I can think of a situation. Poor guy, when he sat in front of me, because we were grouped in class for some questions, some girls came by and told me that he liked me (while he heard it), I made this WEEEEIRD "eew" face. And when they left, I told him I didn't believe them. I found out later that he liked me for a couple of years at least x). AAAND this other guy, I liked him, we sat beside each other... He joked around with me a lot, flirted as a joke. Then he suddenly got serious and told me he liked me. I laughed, because I thought he joked again. Then he stopped joking and didn't talk to me again._.
89. Cried when someone died: Yes.
90. Yourself: HAHAHAH. No.
91. Miracles: Yes
92. Love at first sight: At least crush at first sight... which can turn into love.
93. Heaven: Yes. But not the way most people do.
94. Santa Clause: No
95. on the first date?:  Some people do, but not me.
96. Kiss on the first date: Not me. I guess I'm too shy. Unless we've been together for a looooong time, and THEN go out on a date, lol.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: A friend I haven't been with a lot:/ It's difficult to talk to her because she got a boyfriend, lol. And she loves anime too much.
98. Do you know who your real friends are: I think so.
99. Do you believe in God: Yes.
100. Post as 100 truths? No, I didn't tell my full name and my elementary school x)


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Yo can I do this?!?! :D:D
I might try this later on XD