» in7incible « {mocheeeh} ◖kim eun hee◗

in7inciblexzxxz's application form

}kim eun-hee


to the basics »

username : mocheeeh
activeess : 10
name : chi

what's your name? »

full name : kim eun hee
other names : -
nicknames : heeya (everybody around her called her this way because it's the shorter version of her name)
birthday, age : 11/24/1995, 17
height, weight : 169 cm, 51 kg
ethnicity : korean
birthplace : busan, south korea
hometown : seoul, south korea
bloodtype : B
languages : korean (native), mandarin (basic, learning)

the inner peace »

personality :
          » eunhee have a very innocent personality, like child who knows nothing, and can be trick very easily. she is very soft hearted and can't stay mad at someone for too long. she likes to smile and makes those around her smile with her. she is very confident, hardworking and determined in what she do. eunhee is also a very good listener and good at keeping someone's secret. so you can trust her with anything and talk to her when you need to get something off your chest. she very bright. she can go up to a stranger and talk to them like they've known each other for years.
          » but, eunhee can be very stubborn and spoiled at times. when she wants something, somebody should give it to her immediately or she will whining all the way home. on the other hand, she's very straightforward and doesn't mind if her criticism will hurt somebody's heart. because of that, eunhee rarely can be seen close with one person more than two weeks.

likes : cookies, people, plushies, puppies, ice creams, meat, ocean
dislikes : medicine, bugs, clowns, balloons, coffee, ghosts, silence
fears : darkness; she's afraid ghosts would appear from the darkness
hobbies : wandering around
habits : babbling in her sleep, drink milk before going to sleep, taking selcas in the bathroom, hugging people who sat near her, blinking often when she's confused, biting her inner cheeks when she's anxious
trivia :

  • @khsilvery is her official twitter account
  • her favorite color is cream and pink
  • never dated nor kissed anyone
  • used to have a dog puppy named choi
  • she is the slowest in taking bath
  • she likes to drink bubble tea
  • adores rilakkuma plushie
  • a huge fan of super junior
  • her ideal type is super junior's yesung, because she adore him
  • she can't cook well
  • she can play violin

i want to see your face »

ulzzang's name : kim shin yeong
links : one | two | three | four | five
| gallery
back-up ulzzang's name: byeon seo eun
links :
one | two | three | four | five
style :
» eunhee would prefer on cute clothes. she enjoys using cute dresses or shirt with shorts. but she's not really picky at all.  as long the clothes doesn't have excessive accessories, she'll use it. the important thing is the clothes are comfortable and fit her body well.
          » casual : one | two | three
          » dorm : one | two | three
          » training : one | two | three
          » formal : one | two | three
          » clothing gallery

digging about your background »

family members:
          » father | kim hyunghwa | 43 | own a cafe | serious, thoughtful, caring, loving, stubborn | close
          » mother | yoo jinae | 39 | housewife & cafe's chef | calm, friendly, loving, forgetful, warm-hearted | close
family background :
          » eunhee born in busan and raised in a pretty normal family. she grew up with so much care and special treatment from her parents, because she is the only child in her family. when she was around 6, their family moved to seoul and her parents opened a small cafe near their house. eunhee was supossed to continue her parents' job to manage the cafe, but she has her own dream. to be an idol.
          » she practiced her vocal, dance and rap ability secretly. didn't let her parents know about it. when she was 13, somehow her mother knew about her secret. she persuade eunhee to chase her dream, but eunhee refused it because she knew that to become an idol is pretty difficult. but unexpectedly, her mother enrolled eunhee in a singing contest. she forced eunhee to attend it and chase her own dream.

best friends :
          » baek jinsang | 18 | trainee | hyperactive, confident, gentle, talkative, playful
friends :

          » lee hyeri | 18 | idol; member of girl's day | talkative, outgoing, caring, cute, kind
          » choi jinri | 19 | idol; member of f(x) | shy, kind, friendly, stingy, lovable
          » choi minki | 17 | idol; member of nu'est | active, caring, kind, straightforward, sweet
rival : she didn't really has rival for now. she can't stay mad at someone for too long.
how did you became rivals?

let's talk about love »

love interest : oh sehun | 19 | exo | shy, quiet, playful, forgetful, gentle | relationship status: best friends
how you both met :

          » their first met happened during sm's trainees gathering. sehun attended as a senior, and eunhee as a trainee. they're never talked one another before, but still greet the latter politely. eunhee (who adores super junior) couldn't concentrated on event, she preferred to gazed yesung all the time. then, accidentally eunhee and sehun bumped againts each other when they're wandering around. eunhee apologize first, then sehun did. they're laughed awkwardly after that incident.
          » unexpectedly, they became friend. they managed to met each other at weekend or at sehun's spare time, or somehow met because they bought bubble tea in the same place, they exchanged their personal contact and often texts or calls one another.
back-up love interest : kim jongin | 19 | exo | bad boy, protective, funny, calm, easy going | relationship status: best friends
how you both met :
          » [start here]
          » [start here]

get on the stage! »

how did you get into SM Entertainment?
          [ ] scouted @ where? _________
          [ ] audition
          [ ] transferred from where? _________
          [x] won a competition? which competition? SM Ent Everysing contest
          [ ] others. what? _________
training years : 4 years and half
trainee history :

          » training periods were so tiring and difficult. eunhee suffered everyday because of all the lessons there. but she still did her best and attended all the lessons sincerely. she learned the best way to sing, dance and rap for 4 years and finally got chosen as one of in7incible members and ready for her debut.
stage name : Heen
fanclub name : silverian
fanclub colour : #999999
position :

          [ ] leader. vocalist
          [ ] vocalist, visual
          [ ] lead rapper, main dancer
          [xx] rapper, face of the group
          [x] main rapper, maknae

goodbye, hello »
password : {seven} {always}
comments : good luck with your story anyway! sorry for grammatical errors ^^ english isn't my first language c:
suggestions : i have no idea huhu
scene request :

  • in7incible in variety shows (running man? strong heart? weekly idol? come to play? or their own show?)
  • eunhee's interactions with her love interest
  • eunnhee on we got married with her love interest

bye! thank you for applying! 


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