Sick Time of the Year, Sunny, Hansel and Gretel, and Death of an Ex-Officemate

I've noticed since 4th year college that I get sick once a year~ usually around the start of the year~ January, February, or March.


This year, I was happy to know that I didn't get sick... turns out it just came in late... because I'm sick now @_@


I guess I caught the bacteria from my officemates who has been having cough and colds.  I'm not the type to get easily infected but the day before I went to work, I had a really bad day off (persona/family problems) and I even ended up with my left hit by a chair since I almost fell and had to hold onto something for balance and ended up pushing my body on the chair and having my hit hard.  Though it doesn't look like it has a bruise, it probably has one underneath since it hurts sometimes.


So anyway, I ended up going to work really tired.  The next day, my body was tired and I could feel that I haven't really had enough rest yet from what happened the other day and from being busy at work.  When I arrived at my work place, I started sneezing.  Unfortunately, we ran out of nasal allergen medications (those Allerta and other antihistamine stuff) so I had to deal with my sneezing the whole day.  When I finally able to take medication after my work shift, it was  too late.


The next day which is today, I got worse @_@   I probably have some fever as well since I could feel my body becoming weak, so I'm taking some antipyretics/analgesic medicine (Biogesic to be exact) and I could feel sweat breaking out on my forehead and regaining some strength after taking it.  


I hope I get well enough later this week since I have to write a fic for WonKyu Last Author Standing contest.  Aish... I'm actually having a hard time with the theme as well.. like... I can understand it... but not really... that kind of thing... @_@


So I've been sleeping early because I'm sick but I made sure to watch a movie before going to sleep.  I couldn't watch my usual Filipino dramas anymore.  Well, I could catch glimpses when I happen to wake up from my sleep and watch a while before going to sleep again. XD


Yesterday, I watched Sunny.  I've been meaning to watch that movie since Kang Sora was there.  I actually liked her character there. ^_^  I've also seen the other casts in different variety shows so I've been really meaning to watch that movie and I must say... I like it ^_^   At first, I didn't like the fact that there was some character death BUUUT her death actually bought happiness and MONEY~! LOTS OF MONEY~! that I couldn't help but be like... "Wow! It's a good thing she died."  Okay, that sounded pretty mean but hey, it was a movie.  I wouldn't say anything like that in real life @_@;;


Speaking of death, I heard that someone from my previous company died.  He was actually one of my editors.   He did have some sort of heart disease/illness and they say he has a family history of dying at 40s.  I think he's older than 40s but anyway... I don't know what else to say than condolence.  We talked a few times but we're not really close or anything.  I remembered we were chosen as an experiment for a certain account and we had to take some sort of quizzes, and he got answers from me ^^;;;


Sometimes I can't believe that people I know, close or not, are actually dying/dead already T__T You know what saddens me? Is that they die because of a disease/illness, not because of age.... and that the other one last year, died because she was killed.


The killing part can't be avoided most of the time, but the disease/illness part can... so I want all of you to take care of your health.


The other movie I watched is Hansel and Gretel.  I was kind of sad that I couldn't watch it in the movies, but I am soooo happy that my friend who loves to download movies/dramas/animes got one and just the other day, my mom bought me an external drive with 1 TB memory, so I gave that to my  friend and she placed around 100 GB worth of things to watch in it XD!!!


She  just actually cleaned her computer a.k.a. deleted movies/dramas/anime but look... she still has all these stuff.... imagine how many things she downloaded in the past... she's such an addict XD and I totally love her for it.


I'm gonna watch Chinese Zodiac before going to rest.



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Kironstree #1
I'm sorry to hear that you got sick ;A; I haven't gotten sick this year but I think my stress is keeping it at bay. Get better soon and write that Wonkyu!

Also, Sunny is an amazing movie! Kang Sora was so kickass I couldn't believe it!
i get sick any time of the year since i've got asthma. anything triggers it... can't have someone spray deodorants or perfumes in the same room as me. difficulty breathing, coughing, dizzines... just plain sick! but it's normal so i don't worry much! so get well soon hon... watching movies isnice when you're sick at home... cozy feeling!
My classmate back in elementary died last holy week because of brain cancer. And unnie, you need a good rest :)
i hope you get better soon! watching movies while resting at home is a perfect way to rest and take care of you sickness, take care of yourself and don't think so much about things we couldn't solve, sometimes we should get along with them even though i know how hard and upsetting they are