Too Much To Do is Not That Good, But It's Okay

So basically this is just some confession that I need to tell it out. I'm right now in the middle of confussion in organizing my life. My schedule to be excact. In this little time in one month, I'm forced to do so much thing while I don't even have enough time. And more over, I want to try to sleep more so I can grow taller. -_-

So, This is the things I'm planning on:

-Fasting for 4 days. 

-Playing 3 Stars of Destiny

-Make a visit to all my account in the Internet. Which is much and I heven't even decide which one wil I activate. 

-Study for SBMPTN

-Dancing everyday

-Write the continuation of GS(1) and write something more. Maybe I can send it to some of the magazine?..

-and Prepare for the school activity that will come in for some weeks ahead.

This is so much to do but I have to do best for all. Somehow this one motivation book that I am reading right now make me enthusiastic again. I hope I can make it!!


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