so dont you go asking any ing questions because i will not be apologizing to anyone if i blow up at them i will warn you now i am in a super pissed mood so much that im going insane and yelling WHAT THE ING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU at my ING of a laptop so just SHUT THE UP AND DONT ING BOTHER ME UNLESS YOURE READY TO ING GET YELLED AT BY A CHICK WHO RARELY GETS MAD AND SHOWS IT. GOT IT. SO SHUT UP! btw this is my ING ESSAY for english i HAVE TO DO since NOTHING on my laptop is SAVING bc as i said my laptop is a ING OF A LAPTOP AND ITS GOING TO BE THROWN ACROSS THE ROOM! i was already punching the screen but i ended up screaming at the ING thing yelling at my brother to CUT THE CRAp and NOT BOTHER ME unless he was ready for me to beat him with my laptop itself. so yeah SHUT THE UP AND DONT BOTHER Vanesa Yang Mr. Phelps English 3 Honors, 1st Hour 17 Oct. 2011 Forgiveness and Rewards In the past Puritans believed that there was an original sin that accommodated every human being, thus giving no one a chance to go to heaven. It was said that only those chosen few were able to engulf in God’s glory and really deserve a reward because of it. Nowadays many people still go through hardships and whatnot without knowing how to cope with it, or not knowing how they should even forgive and forget any sort of sin. In “The Crucible” many characters show corruption within the court, however it helped others to realize how to forgive, unlike how those acquainted with McCarthyism. A character who stood out in the play was Abigail who represents McCarthy. She lies and accuses others for wrongdoings and bewitchery when she herself is guilty. When Abigail is with Danforth in Act III she states “Think you to be so mighty that the power of Hell may not turn your wits?” (Miller, 1145). She not only threatens Danforth but she even looks “into the air above…truly frightened” (Miller, 1145). Abigail does not get enough pleasure by just intimidating Danforth, but she must also turn against someone else and blame them, such as Mary Warren. She didn’t act alone though, she had her evil minion followers playing along to help mimic and scrutinize Mary Warren. This is very much like how McCarthy had HUAC, “the House of Un-American Activities Committee…set up by Congress…to investigate people” (________, para 2). And these people always sided on McCarthy’s behalf like how the court did in “The Crucible” for Abigail. She brings Mary Warren into this quarrel and has every girl in court interrogate her so she will break down and believe that she is in the wrong. This brought the court to involve Proctor in the trials even more than he already was. During the time of court Proctor’s wife Elizabeth had been accused by Abigail of being a witch. Abigail had thoughts of getting together with Proctor again, and making their affair a reality, but he had no intentions whatsoever. In order to save his wife though, Proctor had to overcome his fear of his sin and confess to the court about it. This was the only way that he could save his wife and all the other innocent women in the trials, so to reveal that Abigail to was a liar. As Abigail was chanting with the other girls taunt Mary Warren, and then trying to call to God to bless her, Proctor screamed “How do you call Heaven! ! !” (Miller, 1145). He becomes furious with Abigail and even admits about their affair. But, because they do not essentially believe Proctor’s words they call Elizabeth into court to testify if her husband is speaking the truth or rubbish. As they bring Elizabeth into court they do not allow Proctor and Elizabeth to make any communication. They keep the two separated and question Elizabeth about the truth, if Proctor really had an affair with Abigail. But, Elizabeth who knew not of her husband’s confession destroyed the one chance of ruining Abigail. She lied and said that she “came to think he fancied her” (Miller, 1148). She said nothing about an affair, and thus Proctor’s confession was meaningless and Elizabeth was taken away. Even as Elizabeth leaves, Abigail keeps on objecting to having an affair with Proctor so she may remain on top above everyone. She also goes back to taunting Mary Warren which leads to Mary Warren accusing Proctor of being “the Devil’s man” (Miller, 1150). Because of Mary Warren calling Proctor a Devil, he admits to it and even calls Dan forth a Devil. As Proctor is spouting the actual truth he says “as I have quailed, and you quail now when you know in all you black hearts that this be fraud” (Miller, 1151). He states that he and Danforth are both fearful of the truth, that this entire time they have been believing the wrong person all along. Because of this lie, that is still being played out, Abigail is ruling over Salem and practically playing a chess game choosing who will live or die. This is like how McCarthy decided who were communist and who were not. Finalizing it all, many characters in “The Crucible” were corrupted and ended up forgiving oneself and others, unlike the end of McCarthyism. Because McCarthyism was portrayed in “The Crucible” and McCarthy along with Abigail were not forgiven, but Proctor was able to forgive himself. All in all, forgiveness was bestowed on most of those involved with McCarthyism. Works Cited Miller, Arthur. “Crucible Identity Crisis Response.” Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. Diane Capillo, et all. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Prentice- Hall Inc. 1999. 1132-1151. Print. BTW: i wont get mad if ANYONE tells me how to ing cite a WEBSITE cite. in MLA format. otherwise i will blow up at you for saying this is funny bc im not laughing am i? NO. SO SHUT UP!


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Woah... crabby crabby
MLA format? you mean the.......
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