Eunhyuk Kept Me up ALL NIGHT!

I forgot my portable hard disk. I was able to write about the Eunhyuk and Mary Marjorie story during the weekend. I don't know why but some kinda writing demon rode my back and I couldn't stop writing. My shoulder hurt and all that and still couldn't stop. I didn't edit any of it though. So I was supposed to edit it today. I will do that later. I was up all night. I went to bed at 11pm because of it. But my eyes gave up before my brain could. I was able to sleep at around 11:30 because the scenes I wanted to write were still dancing in my head. Talk about wired. Last night was one of those moments in a writer's week where inspiration meets with time and the keyboard is literally on fire.

I will post those chapters tomorrow.

*hint* There are more than one of them. Actually, there were a lot of them. ^.^ I hope you would like reading it.


Check out the teaser and the first chapter of Cook up a Love Potion here





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@sungnine: That was the point. ^.^ Ahahhahahahh yknow me.
the title of this blog was a bit too much..hahaha!!!!