About the updates!

so, I am VERY aware that I haven't updated in quite a while! But Ive been busy with schools work and assignments! And I've been practicing my dance routines NON STOP! I really want to pursue dance as a career and maybe singing! Just in the predorming arts section!

Honestly, singing and bands looks 10x cooler when you dance! And it's something that I enjoy so much:')

So, that's sort of the reason why I havent been updating! Constantly trying to do well!&although I'm not going to follow through with the more educational?(like maths English science etc.) subjects, I want to be smart!

I get high grades and recently got highest in my year for history!

and I get to do an assignment on a historical place in South Korea for my Geography project! YAY! I'm going to pick the school that the 71 students held their base at in the war! I know all the facts, but does anyone know the name?

and in my English assignment, I get to do a disaster that's happened and write my account of it! But I'm going to be already dead and writing it in ym after life etc. Going to be one of the 71 students-anyone notice the '71 into the fire' theme here?XD- and my name is funley enough Choi Seunghyun!XDXD

Btw, can anyone tell me the name of that school?

I still have to start those and their due in on Tuesday&the other on Thursday>.>

But school finishes for me this Friday, but I have a performance in that Friday night&that Saturday night&THEN IM DONE FOR A WHOLE WEEK! I promise for the updates on the right days and I'll write lots of the next chapters so I can update reguarly for the next few weeks!

Sprained my ankle and thats the only reason I'm on right now! Hurts so bad!

But in other AWESOME NEWS! I finally did the splits today:') been working so hard! I only do street, so a lot of people don't think you have to be flexible, but it helps SO MUCH!&Im going to be starting Ballet as well as street and I'm starting Gymnastics&tumbling(sorry, but being able to d a flip on the spot looks ING AWESOME!)

so that's basically all of it, sorry to bore you with thisT.T but Y'know, just to keep you updated! It's not that I don't care about AFF, it's just, I want to do well in my studies and dance! Absoloutely shattered now!XD Been at dance from 10am till 5pm with about a half an hour break in total!XD DEDICATION!XD

Please be patient with my updates! I love you all^_^ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


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The name of the school is P'ohang-dong girls' middle school :)
Good luck!!!
shesgoneohshesgone #2
How do you have facts but not the name of the school?

Either way, all I know is that it was in P'ohang-dong
good luck on all your activities.