Killing Subjects For Me..Hahahaha

Seriously...Additional Mathematics,Modern Mathematics,Chemistry,Biology and History are the most killing subjects for me especially Additional Mathematics and Modern Mathematics..Oh My God~~~~


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mee to i also hate Mths :(
mee to i also hate Mths :(
I don't take Advanced Math. But judging by e reactions my my frens who took A math paper yesterday I think its really hard. Yes I agree that Chem is difficult.
eh? Modern math is the easiest among those subs. Hhaha, +math? Kill me, shoot me. I won't take that sub anymore !
But, these math are interesting to be honest.
I see you are a sc stream student :)
i like maths than any other subject :D
but thats just me...
Hunny_chan210 #6
-_-ll I dont even know half of those topics >3<