


So, the tittle explained it. I need to deactivate for these hours. No, do not worry. It's not FOREVER, HEEEL NO! haha.. Dont worry, the fics are still there, your cute and adorable shana is still here XD

There's a crazy ert keeps on PM me so yeah, I need to deactivate this acc for a while. Ahh, ye-ye. I know, i've reported this. 

Again, do not worry if when you visit my page and story its say ' the profile is deact' or 'the stories are'.. I will be back this midnight, or maybe tomorrow's morning and post the chapter of my lovely fics :)

Again, PEACE ! ^^







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i was just about to comment your story..huhuhu
why???????????oh nooooooo...hope you can comeback soon
ricky6 #3
you make me sad for 30 minute before you post. but now i happy haha
this gave me a heart attack!!! my gosh!!! i will be very say if you will deactivate FOREVER!!! NOOOOO!!! don't leave me!!!!! i love your stories!!!!! T__T

*and yeah~ you can block that ert who keeps on PMing you~ ^^
block the dude
?? OMG hell nawww ><