don't have to read this~ XD !!

omg omg my mum just asked me when my final exam ends and i said december 6th and she said we're going to korea after exam omg omg my dream gonna come true XD

she actually planned to go to beijing at the end of may but since i have extra class so we have to cancel it.

then she said another plan to go to australia but i'm having my final exam at the moment.

the last option is korea in december XD

i'm so happy because my mum promised me since 2008 when i got straight A's in my exam. but it was postponed because we bought new house~ the next they bought new car. last year we just travel inside the country because of the election (damn pm delaying it -.-)

and i was supposed to go last march but my mum thought i had extra class so she didn't call the agency. orz ;_;


okay i'm just so happy XD byebye studying~

exam week~ zzzz.


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Well, u r lucky. Honestly, I never had a flight before :P. Really :|