I changed my username (I wrote this so that my friends here will recognize me:P)

Just some practical information for those who is used to my old username:P I've now changed it to "Yeonnie" from "magnetfelt"...

I might as well explain why too...

1. It was just a weird username that I was embarrassed of. In my language, it means "gravity point" or something. I first got it when I made a piczo years ago (all the other usernames was taken, and then I got mad (cow disease) and just took something...). And it was just stupid, since I've never thought of myself as attractive. Lol:P

2. I read a story where someone used the thing in a couple of chapters, and I wanted a real name to be written instead ("Oh~! gravity point (notice that the "g" isn't a "G")! Saranghae!<3")

3. Well, this is not mainly a reason why I changed my username, but why it ended up as "Yeonnie". I already wrote a fanfic where I called the main character "Yeonnie". Even though it is kinda lame, I used it since it was the first name coming to my mind. And it is more like a nick name, which is good. But once, I took a Korean name generator to find my Korean name, and "Yeon" was in it! (the end of the name)


Woohoo! Now you know. Interesting?


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