SM&D Registration~

<< SM&D REGISTRATION FORM >> ( Do it neatly and in order ) 

: Profile : 

Name : Kwon Jae Min

Nickname : JJ, Minnie

Gender : Female

Age : 20

Language : Chinese, Korean, Basic English

Ethnicity : Chinese-Korean

D.O.B : 02/02/93

P.O.B : Seoul, Korea

Hometown : Shanghai, China

: Deep : 

Personality : Min is honest, straightfoward, adventurous, mature, fun-loving. She always wanted to try things like bungee jumping and skydiving. She also is really honest, sometimes too honest. She will stand up for what she believes in, even when people disagree with her. She also is clumsy, and has the Onew Condition. XD

Family information :

Kwon Kwang Dong // 48 // Engineer // Min's father, he is supportive of Min although he doesnt like the idea of Min going back to Korea for school.

Zhang Li Fang // 48 // Teacher // Min's Chinese mother, met her father when she went to korea as a exchange student. they fell in love and came to China because Min's grandparents on her dad's disapproved of the marriage. She supports Min and hopes that she will become famous like Victoria of F(x) who is also Chinese.

Likes : Singing, Dancing, Sleeping

Dislikes : Lying, Heat, Waking up

Habits : If she lies, she wont look at you straight in the eyes

: Outside : 

Appearance :

Name of Ulzzang :  Do Hoe Ji

Fashion :



: Love Life : 

Status : In Relationship

Ex : N/A

Crush/Bias : Onew (SHINee) // WooYong (2PM)

Your favourite kpop : SHINee, Miss A

: Extras : 

Subjects : History, English, Religion, Biology, Math

Additional classes : Vocal and Dance

Colour : Periwinkle~

Password :Kwangmin~~~


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