Help. Needing some advice, bad.

So this is kinda weird since I almost never post anything personal on here.

But I'm desperate.

You guys don't have to answer but I really need to know.

So, what does it mean when you have a dream about someone, who you ONLY see as a FRIEND, and in the dream you're all, umm, intimate (in the most non-ual way) or like lovey-dovey-ish?

Because I had this dream about someone I know

I don't talk to him that often, but he takes care of me when I'm in a *cough cough* messed up *cough cough* state (I hope you guys know what I mean! Haha) and I appreciate that.

One friend thinks it's admiration... but the other one thinks not and it's something... more?

Don't get me wrong, the dude's pretty good looking but I met him a few months ago and he's nice and all, but I can't really picture anything else but just us being friends.

So what does this dream mean?

Someone, anyone, help!

It's been bothering me ALL DAY! Lol

Thanks for reading this if you did. I'd appreciate it if someone interpreted this for me cuz right now, I'm just so confused!


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Don't worry too much.. It just a dream after all.. If you didn't want anything but friendship relation with that dude, then the dream would be just a dream.. Just don't over thinking about it... Life is a reality, when dream just exsist to made us relax if the reality is too much to take care of... ^ㅂ^
All I know is when you dream of someone it means you miss them ..

Try searching it on google it might help you find answers ^^
it doesn't necessarily mean you subconsciously want a relationship with him, or have any romantic feelings toward the dude. it's possible, but not absolute.

it does mean that you (or your subconscious, in this case) ARE thinking about the possibility; you have no intention of doing so, but it's still there. it's like having a nightmare; just because you had one, doesn't mean you want it to happen, nor that it will. same thing with just random weird dreams.

i guess you could think of this dream as your mind being creative (and functioning well!) in its own aspect. maybe you are lonely, and maybe you're flirting with the idea of perhaps being in a romantic relationship, and the guy's face just randomly popped up in your head because he's been there for you lately. who knows, maybe he's been sending you messages that you've been ignoring, and that's why he came up.

there are a lot of possibilities when it comes to dreams. they shouldn't be taken seriously unless you're a psychic and that's how you foresee the future. lol.

(ps it'd be easier to read if it wasn't such a bright color...)