
Okay honestly usually i would avoid ranting anywhere, especially online. This blog post will probably disappear after some time but for now just needed a place to release all my stress...




yes most of you guys know i would prefer not to use such words except for character reasons but today...god i feel like stabbing someone. Yepp stab with the nearest knife i can find. Wont say much but don't you guys just have those days when people just seem to bug you too much i can't tolerate it anymore. Well today that happened, everything i seem to do is just bad. it, if its not enough to hear it from m one person now i have to deal with another person. Oh yeah wow thanks, saying like that will just motivate me, damn no. 

I want to cry but no i cant, cause god forbid i cant have any privacy, and crying and locking myself in the toilet would just be so coy...gosh today i feel like . Woke up early from school, go home, buy dinner for my sister and i, just because my sister is just so helpful nowadays (sarcasm) oh and did you know living with someone who has OCD isn't easy, oh no it's not the serious type but she's like the freak type who would get mad at me if  stuff arent placed how they were. She gets up and fixes it herself when in fact its no different, no seriously. Dont believe me??? For example i put back the mirror on the shelve i already pushed it farthest against the wall, but no she has to fix it herself again and attempts to push it back when it's basically stuck to the wall already. Oh and this is this is just the beginning. Wont go into detail but bottom line it's hard.

ughh...i just want to freaking exercise and get rid of the stress but hey...i can't.


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LoL...I totally get chu too...the other day, I told my sis to just shut it cuz my day gone horrible haha...keke it's nice to hear from you again^^...miss you tons! Hope you have a better day haha^^
Hahaha....i totally get you on the nagging part. I'd say you train her. Just like my mom. I trained my mom not to gte mad at me when i didn't clean up my room.

You may be living with her but you have to remember, she is living with you. So it totally means that she's stuck with you and forced to accept anything you do just like you are forced to accept her as a roomate.

How i trained my mom is just I ignore her when she ask to clean my room. I only clean when I want not when I'm told. So long enough, she never asked me to clean my room anymore. She asked my sis instead of me. XD but i do clean when she doesn't force me to do it.

But up to you...it's either that or you'd have to move out. I really plan on moving out...hehehe