
Ok so Today was my first day back at school after the holidays and at the end of last term we sat some mock exams (If you don't know what mock exams are, they are sat in conditions of the real exams at the end of the year but they are slightly easier and dont count towards any credits)

 Any ways so I got my result back from my History Exam and it turns out that out of  my whole class only 4 people passed!
And I am one of them! along with my best friend, but I forgot the other two haah.

Also we did some internal assesments in the last week of last term and I got the results for some of them too!
In math I got A Merit (It was a Trigonometry test)
In Digital Technology I got an Excellence! (It was about powerpoints, and tables, data anaylising and selecting and using formulas on the computer)

And I'm pretty sure I passed my English and Science but I wont get those results for a couple of days!

So yeah thanks! and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! :D

For those that don't know the marking system where I am it goes like this.
N/A (Not Acheived) basically a Fail
HN/A (High Not Acheived) Still a fail but if you fix it up an LA or A
LA (Low Acheived) Barely passed as an acheived, usually when it wasnt that good but better than most people who got N/A
A (Acheived) Passed at a low level but still good
M (Merit) Acheived at a merit level, Sort of like Twice as good as an acheived would be.
E (Excellence) Brilliant, did everything basically perfect. The Best Possible mark you can get.

And for those what dont know our school schedule and might be confused its like this (well this year was a bit weirder but basically the same as it would be so heres this years)
Term 1 (12 weeks of school)
2 week Holiday
Term 2 (9 weeks of school)
2 week Holiday
Term 3 ( I'm not to sure but i think it is 10 weeks of school?)
2 Week Holiday
Term 4 ( I'm not to sure but i think it is 10 weeks of school?)
6 week holiday! (Christmas and Summer holidays! new year. School ends in December then starts the next year in February)


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