Get To Know Me More with 60 Questions Not Usually Asked

(Stole this from someone) 


1. When was the last time you ran?
Yesterday....It was pretty weird. I was at an amusement park and a random cat just ran across. I just had to chase it!
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes in them?
I have some shorts and jeans that has holes in them. I also have these really cute mint green jeans with holes everywhere; definitely my favorite pair of jeans, but I can't even wear to school. I'm cry.
3. What are you dreading right now?
State testing. Gross *cringe*
4. Do you sing in the shower?
Haha, yes! Especially since it makes my horrible voice sound angelic :D
5. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep every night?
Sleep? What's that? I don't know of this sleep you talk about.
6. If anyone of your friends came to your house randomly one day, what would you say?
They've actually done that before...My sister and I locked them out for thirty minutes or more because they were trying to sneak in while we were cleaning. We ended up watching Ted lol.
7. Who last grabbed your ?
I honestly don't remember. 
8. Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Haaaaah, me? On a track team? I, just, no. I am a super short girl with the weight of 107(Gained 6 pounds in one scho quarter ;~;), just, no.
9. Do you own a pair of converse?
Yessssss, but I prefer vans over everything ^-^
10. Did you copy and paste this survey?
Type it all out? Ain't nobody got time for that!
11. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Yes! I eat everything!
12. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Yes, I love food and if something/someone doesn't give me food, they get hurt.
13. Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
Yeah, it gets tiring. 
14. Do you watch Top Gear?
No, I don't even know what that is? 
15. How do you eat oreos?
I pull them apart then eat.
16. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yes, it was not worth it ;~; They told me to, so I did.
17. Are you cocky?
No comment.....
18. Could you live without a computer?
HAAAAH, that's funny. Actually, yeah, I'm usually on my phone, I'm using it to do this right now.
19. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Nope, Asian here lol.
20. Who or what sleeps with you?
My stuffed animals! 
21. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
I don't know. 
22. How many house phones and mobiles are in your house?
Six. There's three people here, by the way.
23. What do you do when you're sad?
I write potery when I'm sad. I feel that it expresses and does more than just crying and wailing.
24. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
The owner of Forever 21, telling them I want to buy it.
25. Last time you saw your best friend?
I don't have a bestfriend...Too many fakes.
26. Are you in high school?
27 What jewelry are you wearing?
28. Is anyone on your bad side now?
Yes, this guy that tried to play my sister. One thing I hate the most, people that lead on. I don't even know why he thought he could play my sister. She's gorgeous and he' And he has a girlfriend of three years.
29. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
30. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
No, it sounds boring to me, but who know? I might, I've seen it on Netflix, just never clicked on it.
31. How do most people spell your name?
32. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
Why not? My boyfriend has a cute stylish style.
33. Where do you work?
I don't work, I live off of my mom's money....I'm too young to work D:
34. What are you doing tomorrow?
School -.-
35. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
Hmmm, no.
36. Favorite name for a girl?
I don't know. I at names, so yeah. I guess Mylene? Jade?
37. Favorite name for a boy?
38. Will you keep your last name when you get married?
No, I don't want to be stuck a "Ho" for my entire life. Just no, okay? No. Although it's quite fun to go "It's Vivian, Ho!"
39. When was the last time you left your house?
Friday morning. Had a school trip. 
40. Do you return your cart?
Yeah, I'm a nice person...Maybe.
41. Do you have a dishwasher?
42. What noise do you hear?
Sister's music.
43. Would you survive in prison?
I'm thinking no, but hopefully I would.
44. Who is the youngest in your family?
Me. I only have an older sister.
45. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely overpack?
Me......I like to have a bunch of outfits cause they're all so cute, ya know?
46. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
No, no Vivian here.
47. What's the last thing you purchased?
Food :D
48. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
Not a lot, I guess food when I don't have any. She burrowed 70 from me and never gave it back...She promised, too!
49. What brand are your pants right now?
Disney! I'm sort of a 90's child.....
50. Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
Yes, my cousin lives there and it's a three hour drive away from where I am.
51. What irritates you most on the internet?
People on Facebook. They need to die. All of them.
52. What brand is your digital camera?
I lost my digital camera, but it was a Canon. I really don't care though, because I have a Nikon DSLR.
53. Do you watch movies with your parents?
Not really, my mom asks too many questions and my dad is out of the picture.
54. What song best describes your life right now?
Nothing really describes it. It's good and bad. I don't even know what I'm feeling and what's going on.
55. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
56. Are you supposed to be asleep right now?
It's 12:50, so I guess. Too bad I don't do what you guys call sleep.
57. Do you like sushi?
Yes! Yes! YESSS! I love raw salmon for some reason.
58. Do you get your hair cut every month?
No, my hair was pretty long two years ago, but I cut it super short so I don't want to cut my hair since I'm trying to grow it out. I know it'll grow faster if I do, but I don't want to take risks, and my hair is already growing fast.
59. Do you go online everyday?
On my phone, yeah.
60. What kind of phone do you have?
iPhone 5. Recently cracked the screen. Used to it though, since I cracked my previous phone, iPhone 4....I'm a big clutz, but still gets technology. So far, I haven't broken my DSLR, YET.
Repost this as : 60 Questions People Don't Ask Survey. (I didn't really do this)
And credits to the original creator
SORRY YOU GUYS HAD TO SIT THROUGH THAT! I talk a lot and I I don't know when to stahp.


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