Happy Birthday Baekhyun! ♥



Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl boy
My world has twice as many stars in the sky.

Because You Live - Jesse McCartney





This is my friend's words, I translate it into English, just a part that I like the most.


“ ..21 is still too young, let's do anything you want, cherish (love) everyone who is around you, and smile your own smile anytime :) 

Sometime, you will feel tired, lonely.

But don't worry, there will always have your 11 brothers, your family, and us - people that always love and follow your steps.

Because of Byeon Baekhyeon, my May becomes more beautiful than ever...

변 백 현, 생 일 죽 하 해

I'm not good at translating from Vietnamese to English, bear with it :(




[c]Polar Light








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