If You Can Truly Smile | Application


 The  Fashion Designer
   'Life without a Kaleidoscope'
Wu YI Fan ["Kris']

〈 boxfullofwords 〉 〈Crystal 〉 〈 ACTIVENESS : 6.5 〉
❝Lee Yuri❞

  we are a bit different  
 BIRTH NAME 〉 [Lee] [Yuri]
 ALIAS 〉 [Yuri-chahng (window)]
〈 AGE 〉 [17]
〈 DATE OF BIRTH 〉 [May 14, 1996]
 PLOT LINE 〉 [The Fashion Designer: Life without a Kaleidoscope] I chose Life without a Kaleidoscope as an alternate plot line title because kaleidoscope shows you a different perspective of the world with beautiful colours, but Yuri can never look into one because of her disability. She is forced to look at the world in her own "colours" and having to try to remember each colour and fill in the blank colours her eyes can't see
Lee Yuri is like a light switch. Her personality turns on and off depending on who's she is talking to or where she is. This is not all cases. In front of strangers she is very amicable and sociable. However in reality, she has few people she considers her friends even though other people may consider her a friend, the feeling may not be mutual. Yuri has a bad habit of showing people she hates that she doesn't like them by  ignoring them. She won't try to hide it, even though that would be more polite.
She isn't comfortable talking about her personal life so if you want to know something, you have to gain her trust and force it out of her. She is very passive in various situations especially if someone does something wrong to her. Instead of going up and talking about it, Yuri tries to push it aside and apologize even though it wasn't her fault. She is uncomfortable with conflict.

Yuri carries band-aids with her everywhere because she is very clumsy and awkward. She is constantly getting bruises or scratches from falling. Although her dream is to be a fashion designer, her obstacle is her color blindness. It's not only that but she lacks confidence in her drawings and constantly compares herself to others. She gets very frustrated easily when something doesn't go the way she planned it. She is a perfectionist and will work at something for hours until it's up to her standards. Yuri also is more sensitive than other people. She cried very easily, especially when someone is yelling at her. She tries to be strong but it doesn't always work out for her. Because of this she tries to eliminate any bad feelings by avoiding situations and sometimes people.
Overall, Lee Yuri is a person who will go out of her way for friends and strangers. She loves fashion and the feeling of euphoria she gets when she starts sketching or dreaming of different designs. Lee Yuri dreams of the day when people will know her as a fashion designer however it's a long way to go.
1. Sunny weather
2. Corny jokes
3. Sketching
4. Window shopping
5. Collecting vintage and new fashion magazines along with music records.
1. Annoying people
2. Loud Noises
3. Romantic and cheesy gestures.
4. Rude, oblivious people
5. Steak
1. Noisy Eaters
2. When people wear shoes they can't walk in
3.  Body Odor 
1. Fire
2. Over crowded areas
3. Rejection
4. Being Alone
5. Loud cars
1. Dancing
2. Sketching
3. Shopping
4. Running
5. Looking after children
1. pushing her bottom lip with her forefinger when thinking
2. Running fingers through hair when nervous
3. Having to constantly move her feet when sitting down for long periods of time.
1. Born in Busan
2. Father is  known as a famous poet
3. She was in a bad accident at age 10
4. Yuri doesn't like people knowing about her colour blindness.
5. She loves to sleep and is impossible to wake up.
6. Yuri has panic attacks in very crowded places because of a traumatic experiance
7. When she needs to think, she will turn off the lights and lay on the ground to let her thoughts calm down and think everything through.
8. She looks up to the famous fashion designer, Lee Doii.
9. She likes watching black and white movies with her friends because she doesn't have to guess the colours used.
10. Before she buys a piece of clothing she has to hold the fabric and trace the details. Because of this, her friends complain that she is impossible to shop with.

  i remember 
Lee Yuri was born in a high class family. She doesn't have a tear wrenching story about an abusive family or how she's an orphan. Yuri considers herself very blessed and safe with her family. Her father is a known poet and her mother was always out doing charity work. She has one older sister that is the definition of a perfect child. Because of this pressure, her parents didn't know she wanted to become a fashion designer and thought that she will succeed in something in something business wise like her sister. They were slightly disappointed when she went to an arts' university, however still supported her. Yuri also used to have an older brother but lost him in an accident. Her family tries to push him out their memories to forget the pain, so when the topic comes up (which is rarely) they are very tight lipped.
As a child she first realized she wanted to become a fashion designer when she went to her cousin's wedding dress fitting and saw the different dresses. She loved the feeling of the fabric and always dreamed of having someone wearing her dress. Since then, that was all she wanted to do. Yuri never gave a second thought because that was her dream.
Her family raised the children in Busan but moved to Seoul to be closer to Yuri's grandparents.
Everyone always treats Yuri as if she's literally a piece of glass ever since she became colour blind because of her accident 7 years ago and she is getting tired of it.
When Yuri was 10, she got into a really bad traffic accident with her brother Seung-Hoon who was age 13 on September 3rd 2006. Her aunt was driving them back from after school lessons when a drunk truck driver hit their car at the side where Seung- Hoon was sitting, and pushed their car into the other cars driving. Yuri was thrown out of the car because of the impact and suffered bad head trauma from her body landing so hard on the road. All she can remember is feeling the heat of the fire from the car's exploded fuel tank, the sound of different cars screeching, the huge crowd surrounding her and worst of all her brother lying in a weird position with a pool of blood around him.
The doctors say she was a lucky girl for not dying from the huge impact on her skull. Two weeks after coming out of the hospital, her eyes became very sensitive to light and she was mixing up her colours. Her parents took her to the hospital and they said that because of the severe head trauma she damaged her retina and the part of her brain that deciphers different colours. They said she was lucky she was only colour blind after the car accident instead of being fully blind. Yuri doesn't feel lucky at all and sometimes runs throught the what if's and why's when she thinks about her disability. It's been 7 years since the accident but she still can't be in huge crowds which is why she can't go to big parties or crowded mall and concerts. She has a deep fear of fires and can't stand loud cars. She is trying to get over the different fears but can't get the bad memories out of her mind.
Nicole| Kara | Bubbly, Kind, and Understanding.
Changjo| Teen Top| Sarcastic, Witty, and Funny

  have, don't have  
〈 ULZZANG 〉 Girim
 PICTURES 〉 [Picture 1]
                              [Picture 2]
 HEIGHT 〉 [1.7 m]
 WEIGHT 〉 [105 pounds]
- Hair colour: Brownish with a tint of Red
- Eye Colour: dark Brown
- baby face
- Slim body
- Burn mark at shoulder
- 2 piercings in right ear, 3 in left.
Very Unique and Classic. She loves the casual girl look. She likes her fashion sophisticated, classy, and urban yet feminine.
Casual: 1 2 
Formal:1 2
Sleepwear: 1

  with laughs or with tears  
 LOVE 〉 [Wu Yi Fan "Kris".]
 CRUSHES 〉 [Park Chanyeol EXO]
Yuri wants someone who won't treat her different. She wants someone she can actually confront and scream at but still know that they love her. She wants someone who is able to protect her and be there for her even when they aren't physically with her. He needs to be funny to make her laugh, he needs to be stubborn and make her feel like she's no different than everyone else. She'd want to have someone she can laugh with but talk seriously about her frustrations and problems. Someone who pretends that they don't care but really feels strongly about her as she does with him. Someone she can call at 4 AM while having a panic attack and have him be able to be there in 10 minutes to hug her and make her feel safe. She wants someone who can't express his feeling verbally but expresses them with small actions. Yuri wants someone to be her model while she works on different designs and pretend it doesn't hurt when she pricks them with a needle when everyone knows in reality..that stuff stings like hell. She wants someone who's shoulder shape feels like it was shaped just for her to lean on. Yuri doesn't want a storybook lovey dovey relationship, she just wants a simple relationship with strong feelings.

A scene request I had was that Kris finds Yuri in a dark room lying on the floor with her hands on her face. He quietly goes up and lays down beside her. And just like that they stay lying beside each other for a period of time until Yuri tells Kris all her fears  and her frustration on not seeing colour. While she is pouring out all the trapped feelings he just listens. And slowly after that he gets rid of her fears and helps her with her dreams by like helping her with colours when she is designing or giving his honest feedback. 

〈 COMMENTS  I hope you like my application! If you want to change something about my character please do because I am grateful I got the chance to do the application. It would be an honour to part of this story!
If there are two characters that like the same person, you should cause conflict between them and have the readers decide who the boy belongs to! 



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