What if Boyfriend got jersy Shored???

So i was sitting on my couch flipping through channels while updating my fanfict on my lap top when i came across Jersey Shore. Then I thought what if i did a Boyfriend Fan Fict where its like Jersey Shore but with out the weird stuff.....unless you guys want weird stuff happening to them..^^ well tell what you think and If you want to be one of the other 6 girls living with them Send me the name of your charater what you like in a guy what you hate in a guy wht you like and wht you don't like and what kind of roomates you like and don't like . Also the age of you Character and a little bit of their background.

Application For B.B Mansion


Name: Jojo

Age: 15

Birthdate: May 14 1996

What I like in a guy:



-silly but in a cute way


-super hot

-softie for ageyo






-ANd only have eyes for me!!!!^^

What I hate in a guy:








-ist towards women


- and Abusive


-And embaresses me purposly when we're in public




-Hanging with her Boyfriend

-Being the ugly Duckling

-Helping other in need

-Being with her girlfriends ^^


-When people gang up against her

-When she's accused even if she's innocent

-Break-ups and endings

-Deaths of loved ones

-Being harrassed

Roommate Wish list:

-A real friend

-Like family

-Someone that can be depended on

-Girl/Guy any would be fine

-Nice and pure hearted

-Can always take a joke

Roommate No No's:




-Getting in to her bussiness

-Messing up her relationship

-Making out with HER boyfriend


Mini Bio:

I'm Jojo I and I'm a city girl. I'll love anyone who loves me! I think I'm a ball of sushine till you piss me off or get me annoyed then I become the queen of all es!! My was the founder of Apple until he passed away a short while a go. I miss him but i never let small things get me down. I have a Perfect boyfriend[one of the boyfriend members] and famliy that loves me but saddly i have to move out now so i hope my application will get me a spot in the S.S mini mansion!!!


So there was an example of what your application for B.B mansion should look like. There's little space since i already have request one from my own Dongsaeng :P [she's only 7 XDD] so good luck and don't feel bad if your not one of the main characters I'll try and make you one of the upcoming guest appearences!


jessica_RAmirez13 P-Pyong!! ^^



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