I Mean it This Time

No updates until after finals are over ><


I know! You all are angry    :/    :(    BUT! I will continue to write 24/7 like I pretty much do anyway, while also studying for finals (of course), so I will continue to make progress in stories and will have more completed chapters ready and in my reserves for when this little mini break is over ^^


THEN I don't have classes again until sometime in June so I will have plenty of time to write instead of doing it during class :D


Updates will start back up on May 13.


If you haven't figured out my updating order yet, this is what will be updated first starting on May 13:


Stuck With You

Recipe for Attraction

Just a Little Cheering Up

Falsely Accused

To Break a Curse


I should also have some oneshots to post by then including the conclusion/official sequel to Friendly Abductions.


Again, I apologize but it will all be worth it! Education is important, after all :) Time to REALLY TRULY get ahead in stories this time.


(*cough*This may not be just because of finals since I only have one left and may really be about the fact that I have run out of completed chapters for most stories and need to take time to write for real this time without also updating during my writing time*cough*)



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Dmat17 #1
Do what you gotta do baby. It'll be fine! Your stories are always worth the wait. You never fail to deliver!! :)
Fun isn't it OTL
I have 3 stories now, I deleted the rest. Too much stress.
kyuminelf96 #3
don be so stress...it could effect your health and your exam too...just like shinee superstar said take it easy...we as reader will wait you to update...we know you busy with many things..don worry so much..we will support you..and we love you...good luck at final!!!..
Take it easy! I know you'll do fine on your finals and have some amazing updates like usual :) just don't stress about it ^^~
Good luck at finals!!!! XD Do better then I would... (shouldn't be hard, I've never studied for a test or final before)...
Nah, not angry, just hope you stop by to say hi at free times!~ Good luck on school!! <3 I can wait for updates!
No problem! I understand how it feels to need to focus on school. I've got finals coming up in a few weeks too OTL and until then I've got mountains of homework, so I know how you feel! I can't wait until the next update, though! Fighting!
How could anyone be angry?. :D I'm happy you are taking time to focus on school & finals ;D good luck btw! I am sure you're gonna do awesome! But I AM gonna miss your updates for the next week. :( I always look forward to your stories (total fangirl ;D ahaha).