To my readers

So...if you are reading this then you apparently would like to know why I have been gone so long!


Well the main factors have been 


-Computer access


-Lack of motivation

-Writers block

So I'm sure most of you know that for most kids school will be ending within about a month...I think my last day is like the 8th? Not exactly sure xD Anyways...'s getting real and my grades are...okay...but I have really been aiming for a 4.0 and I haven’t gotten it yet ;~; and I know I can! But aside from that I'm also taking two AP classes this year and my first AP test is this week and my next one the week after...I'm sure anyone who has taken an AP test understands...xD I also took my ACT's this two weekends ago...which is like 6 hours...and I also had to take a mandatory AP practice test which was about 5 my weekends were like totally taken away from me, which are the days that I update on! Selfish Selfish school...:l 

Now onto computer access! So last Christmas I dropped my computer screen, successfully cracking it so I keep it plugged into my father’s television as a I rarely get to use my laptop...I only have access 0-1 times a week ^^;; and usually only for a few hours, most of the time spent doing school related things. *Sigh...*

God I'm not even going to get into my Family right now...Just know that they are IMPOSSIBLE to compromise with.

I have had a total lack of motivation lately since I don't enjoy writing...and it honestly bothers me when I don't post a chapter...and this has actually been like the only thing constantly on my mind. 

I have had some major frustration regarding my fics lately because I honestly don't know where I am going with them...^^;; Especially love has no bounds...I just...don't know anymore. And every time that I TRY to write It's just like nothing comes to mind...


So those are the main reason behind my major lack of updating lately...and I just want you guys to know that I will be trying really hard to put some chapters out! ^^


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Lol school ends the fourth~ and I'm in the same situation xD It was weird seeing a friend post from you, I was expecting someone who always does it~
officialegb #2
Don't worry i know how you feel completely school hates my life i swear.... or maybe i just procrastinate to much?... the day you finsh school is also the day of my senior ball so it sounds like a good day for everyone....
Remedy #3
Oh hey there Stephy xD~ I know how you feel~ I haven't updated in about a whole month...? Maybe two months? School, work, and laziness are interfering with me, so I can relate to you lol ^^ <3~ I'll update... Tuesday. I think...