Girls Club - School Certificate Of Oh Jae Hwa

last name, first name
nikkiniknik21 | Nikki | 5/7.        
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About Me
sweet cream cream, you're sugar cream        
Character Name: Oh Jae Hwa
Nicknames: Greenie - her parents call her "Greenie" because of her love for plants and because she loves the color green | Jiji - all her friends decided to call her that because of their laziness to call her Jae Hwa. And Jiji is thanks to >.> Dongwoo
Age & Date Of Birth: 18 | 03/01/1995 | 11th Grade
Ethnicity: Philippine-Korean
Birthplace: Philippines but flew to Korea when she was 11
Languages: Fluent in Tagalog, Korean and English | Studying basic Japanese
Basic Appearance: Not too skinny even though she has curves. Her height is 165 cm and weight is 48 kg. She has long brown hair with a tint of red up to her hips and brown eyes.
Fashion Style: Sometimes she likes to wear boyish clothes, sometimes regular clothes. One example is the picture above ^^ 1 | 2 | 3
Special Features: Has a tatto on the left wrist that says: "Thank you for the music" and on the right upper arm that says "Forever young" in fancy script. Has a large scar on her back.
Ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee
Pics/Gallery: Gallery
Back Up Ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye
Pics/Gallery: Gallery
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Gettin' Serious
i keep thinking about you.        
Persona > The Happy-Go-Lucky Daydreamer

Personality > Jae Hwa is a girl that is bipolar and has a personality that is mixed up with imagination(counting sarcasticness) and a bit of un-logical thinking. Just a bit. Her love for singing and dancing has brought many idol companies swarming at her doorstep. Also, her creativity/imaginative mind has helped her write many brilliant stories(mostly fanfictions) and helped her think of witty, sarcastic remarks at everything and anything under the sun(and roof).

When a person touches her friends, relatives and mother, she'll get hella mad. Her past of having a very abusive father has led her to study taekwondo. Never had her skills ever disappointed her. In front of everybody, she is kind and warm-hearted. In her group, she is what you could call... Innocent and soft. Bubbly and nice, you would never think, even imagine, that she'll go commando on you. Tsk, that's when you're wrong. First on her list everyday: Eliminate everyone that made her friends sad, hurt her friends or her. She always keeps a notebook in her bag, in case a very good idea for a story came up. You see her as the "Brave girl", yes, but when it came to seeing her stories, she becomes shy. She'll start to stutter out a reason why you shouldn't, then excuse herself, saying that she needs a pen, etc. She loves wearing jackets even if it's hot, and, surprisingly, she never sweats. Just like she never gets fat when she eats.

She was never prideful, no. She'll let you know at once if you hurt her, and we all know that you couldn't see her cry. Oh no, you'll stumble over your words at once at how cute she is, looking like a lost puppy. What's that? You want to know what's inside her bag? Tsk, wrong move. Who knows what's inside that girl's bag? You want ideas? Pepper spray, a jacket, a squeaky hammer, a remote control for a T.V., an album of a famous K-POP group, you name it, she has it. Her bag in the outside looks so neat, oh sure. But, when you look on the inside, you'll immediately widen your eyes at the mess. "It looks like a storm went inside there!", you'll say. "What? You never know when I'll use those things.", she'll reply back. To sum it all up, Jae Hwa is a fierce girl that is just looking for friends to stop her past from eating her up whole.

Likes > Food | Anything that's blue | Naruto | Music | Dancing | Singing | Jackets | Sports | Books | Writing | Fun runs
Dislikes > Fake people | Bullies | Greasy guys | People teasing her about wearing jackets | The color yellow | Liars | Shopping
Hobbies > Reading | Listening to music | Dancing | Eating | Cooking | Writing | Studying | Singing | Covering dance groups
Habits > Bites lip when lying | Singing in the bathroom | Covers mouth when laughing | Tilts head when confused | Touches ring when sad | Wears jackets even though its hot/cold
Fears > Coulrophobia (fear of clowns, high)
Ideal Men > She hates men that are fake and greasy, she just can't stand them. She likes men who can rap and dance greatly, also he should be kind to people and plants.
Trivia > Favorite color is blue | Blood type: A | Can cook | Lived in the Philippines until her 11th birthday | Favorite number: 1 | Can convey her feelings easily | No boyfriend since birth
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you are my sweet dreaming.        
  • Father | Oh Su Wan | 49 | July 10, 1963 | In jail | Abusive | Since she was born, all he did was beat her and her mother up, until she was 9 years old. Her mother's parents found out and sent him to jail. | 0
  • Mother | Oh Min Ji | 46 | September 18, 1966 | CEO of a modelling agency and is a fashion designer | Even though she goes around the world all the time, she still found time to attend important occasions in Jae Hwa's life. Their bond is strong and happy, she is strict, but understanding. She has her goofy times and bestfriend times with Jae Hwa | 5
Kim Min Seok | 20 | March 26, 1993 | College student at Architecture | Cashier at a candy store | Kind and goofy, he fits well with Jae Hwa. Though, they enjoy each other's company when they're sad. | He is one of Jae Hwa's bestfriends and treats her like he's her bodyguard, that, Jae Hwa will laugh at. | 5
Among the girls:
Jae Hwa gets along with everyone. She likes to be the one who starts the conversation. She doesnt care if you come from a poor family, rich family, or average family. She'll definately give you a chance if you're kind. If you're a biatch, then, I'm sorry, but bye-bye to friendship with Jae Hwa. Don't talk to her when she tries to befriend you, and you'll make her sad and sulky all day. She's the teacher's pet, and student's friend(or, as others would like to call, bodyguard). Cross her and you'll find yourself with something broken in your body.
Oh Jae Hwa was born in the Philippines. Her parents met in a beach, her mother having a vacation then.
Having an abusive past has made her build walls up. She had once loved her father and thought that one day he'll love her back. But finding out that that won't work has left her emotional.
An accident with a clown when she was seven (involving a knife and a scar on her back) left her with Coulrophobia. When she was 11, they moved to Korea due to her mother's job. She misses her friends dearly and has nightly skype calls with them.
Lifestyle: Having her mother travel all around the world and earn money has left her with money so much that she doesn't know where to spend it. Being left at home alone(not counting the maids) all the time has pushed her to find a job, which is, being a dance instructor.
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Love. Love. Love.
i keep thinking about you.        
One And Only > Jang Dong Woo | 19 | November 22, 1993 | Gyeonggi, South Korea
Persona > The Dino-Rapper. Does not belong to any particular social grouping. He  is popular, a kingka, even. He's handsome and quite... Dumb. He's very very blunt. His blutness is adored by many. He's called Dinowoo by many fans, saying that his dino look is so adorkable.
Personality > Jang Dongwoo is innocent, slightly dumb at some cases(30% dumb, 60% smart) yet strives hard to maintain his spot as 1st in class. He loves drawing during his free time. His skillful hands has another part in his life, that is, writing raps and dancing. He has his respectful side and rebellious side. He puts on his respectful side in front of adults and girls, his rebellious side in front of his friends. He forgives easily and makes friends easily too.
However, his confidence lessens when he's in front of her. Because of that, his friends teases him and pushes him to her when she's around. He loves to dance, so he decides to get a job as a dance instructor. He treasures his loved ones so he keeps a small notebook in his pocket, reminding him of everything he has to do for them, dates that are important and such.
Grade/Semester/Occupation > 12th Grade | Dance instructor
Extracurricular Activities > Soccer | Dance club | Glee club
Ideal Type > He loves girls that are silly, like him. He prefers if they don't mind him changing his hair color at times, that they should like his dancing and rapping, and that the girl should not mind his sometimes dumbness. He likes it even if the girl has weaknesses, it means that he has something to protect you from, and he also finds it cute.
Interactions > Their meeting involves a bump in a dance studio, a few lattes and milkteas, and then school. They had became close over the time that has lasted. Dongwoo treats Jae Hwa as a close, really close, girl acquaintance.
Trivia > His favorite color is green | Spends time with his friends in a noraebang | Loves to change his haircolor once in a while | Single | Bestfriend is Hoya | Never had his first kiss
Crush > Lu Han |  19 | April 20, 1994 | Beijing Haidan, China
Persona > Nerdy Angel | He is the nerd of the school, he hides from everyone except from his friends. Everyday, he has to face the bullying of people when Jae Hwa isn't around. He tries hard to beat Dongwoo and take his throne from being the 1st in class, but always ends up in 2nd.
Personality > Lu Han likes to keep his wealth from other people so as to not gather unwanted attention. He works hard to maintain his nerdy image and studies hard for when he takes over his father's company. Always being the silent type, he never thought that Jae Hwa would be friendly to him. He loves singing Chinese lullabies to the girl he likes.
His friends love to call him Angel-Han because, for them, "He lookes like a pure angel". He hates being the center of attention and tries to keep low. He always buries his face on books and hates being annoyed while he's reading.
Grade/Semester/Occupation > 12th Grade
Extracurricular Activities > Book Club
Ideal Type > He doesn't like girls that are snobby and fake. He likes girls that are kind hearted, and accepts him for who he is, not because of his money.
Interactions > Jae Hwa and Luhan has a bipolar friendship. One time they're talking and the next they're ignoring each the other. But Luhan finds Jae Hwa as a mystery. Why would a girl be so protective of her friends and family?
Trivia > Loves reading | Likes clothes that are simple | He doesn't like anyone on his bed, he'll kick them off. | First kiss was when he was in Elementary | ;) | Bestfriend is Sehun | Single
Interest > Kim Sung Kyu | 20 | April 28, 1993 | Jeonju, South Korea
Persona > The Hamster Granpa | He nags, like, a lot. He turns cocky when you embarass him or you boost his ego.
Personality > When you talk to him, you'll immediately think, "Ugh, he's so cocky". Well, actually, that's true. His ego is as high as Mt. Everest. But once you get close to him, he's actually pretty clumsy and cute. After all, he does look like a hamster. But dude, call him a hamster, and you've signed up for your death bed. He'll rage and yell, embarrasing you and his friends.
Grade/Semester/Occupation > College
Extracurricular Activities > Glee Club | Drama club
Ideal Type > He'll like it if the girl will compliment him and not call him a hamster, but if she does, he won't get mad and just pinch her cheeks and slap her on the arm lightly.
Interactions > Jae Hwa and him are still pretty much on the "getting to know each other" stage. As time passes by, they get close but still a bit awkard. He treats her like a little sister, much to her disappointment
Trivia > Likes the color white | Hates to be called a hamster | Eyes disappears when laughs | Sings amazingly | Never been kissed, too. | Bestfriend is Woohyun | Had a small fling in elementary

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High School & Nothing's New
i don't want to loose you.        
Image at school/School Persona > The Fiery Angel(acts really kind but gets fiery when provoked)
Grade > 11th Grade
Favorite subject(s)> Math, Science, English
Best subject > English
Subject(s) you dislike & that you at > French
Extracurricular activities > Dance club | Glee club | Writing club
How do you wear your uniform?  > Wears the school uniform normally, but puts another jacket over her school jacket
What about your future? > Wants to be an idol
Anything else? > Works as a dance and singing instructor
So tell me what's your secret? > Jae Hwa's abusive past and fear of clowns are kept a secret from everybody except Myungsoo.
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The "L" word

How do you treat Myungsoo? > Jae Hwa is very close to Myungsoo, to the point that she tells him her abusive past and fear of clowns. They fight, yes, but Myungsoo is always the first one to give in and say sorry.
Is there something only he does know about you? > Jae Hwa's abusive past, fear of clowns, and crushes. He's the only person that she trusts so much other than her mother.
How did you guys met? > When Jae Hwa arrived in Korea when she was 11 years old, she goes around the village and finds a park, meeting Myungsoo under the slide while he was crying because his parents and him fought.
How does he treat your love interests/does he get along with them? > Myungsoo treats Jae Hwa's crushes fine, but becomes protective when Jae Hwa and her crush talks to each other for a lonf period of time. He constantly keeps an eye on Dongwoo and Jae Hwa, cutting in when they get too close, same goes for Sunggyu.


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Class dismissed.
i hope we meet again one day.❞
Comments: I'm sorry if my application is too... I don't know the word XD I hope it's accepted :) This is my second time applying for a story so... LOL thanks for your time :D I'm excited :D
(Scene) Requests: When Dongwoo and I meet at school we teach in, make it awkward XD Everything's up to you :D
ARE YOU OK WITH RATED SCENES?: I'm fine with them :D



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