G.O.T Application Form - Kim Eunhee

About YOU
Username: mocheeeh
Character name: Kim Eun Hee
Age: 16
Eunhee is a shy girl. She doesn't like to talk too much around strangers, prefer keep silent and watch others from the corner. Yet, actually she has a very warm personality inside. She is very soft hearted and can't stay mad at someone for too long. She likes to smile and makes those around her smile with her. She is very hardworking in what she do. Eunhee is also a very good listener and good at keeping someone's secret. So you can trust her with anything and talk to her when you need to get something off your chest.

But behind it all, around her closest friends Eunhee can be very stubborn and spoiled. When she wants something, somebody should give it to her immediately or she will whining all the way home.

Siblings: she's the only child

  • Father | Kim Sunghyun | 42 | Dentist
  • Mother | Yoon Jinae | 38 | Own a cafe

Hometown: Daegu, South Korea

Love Partner: Choi Junhong/Zelo
His position in the group: Maknae, Lead rapper
, Lead dancer
Friends: A Pink's Oh Hayoung

How did you find out about this audition?:
Eunhee found the information about this audition through the internet when she was looking for an audition to be a singer (yeah, become a singer is her biggest dream).
Do you think you'll pass?: Yes. Eunhee indeed a shy girl, but she did her best at the audition and confident about her singing and dancing ability.
If you pass, who do you think you'll most likely to fall for if you don't get your first chosen lover?: Moon Jongup

End of application

What do we call Jongup's muscles? cheetos


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