Story Status And Updates


1.       A Million Wishes

Characters: Teen Top, OC

This story is on Hiatus because I simply lost interest in the plot and such. I have the whole story written out and planned how the story will progress and end, but it will be on Hiatus for some times until I fill this desire in me to write Infinite themed stories. Once that desire has been put out, I will be returning to this story.

2.       Oppa, You’re A Fashion Terrorist

Characters: Kim Sunggyu, OC/You

I wrote this title and story plan at the spur of the moment. It will be a one-shot fic; I am addicted to those, and once the first chapter is put up (when that may be, I don’t know), it will be labelled ‘completed’. However, this does not mean I won’t be adding more into the story, it just means the story is finished enough that I can leave it for a while without feeling the guilt of being an irresponsible writer.

3.       When Everything Changed

Characters: Nam Woohyun, Kim Sunggyu, OC/You

This is another ‘spur of the moment’ plots where I had an idea and just HAD to write it down. The difference with this is, I’m not sure if it will be written. This story was inspired by my dislike of Infinite’s Woohyun and thought that maybe, if I write a fic about hating him then liking him, I would actually follow the plot. However, I am stuck in the middle of writing the plot and have not idea on how to end the story. If I don’t think of a plot soon, I’ll probably delete this fic.

4.       Family Formation

Characters: Kim Sunggyu, Kim Margaux, Samuel, Lauren Lunde

I love this story/fic because of the spread in characters. Never have I mixed characters from different bands to make a type of ‘mash-up/crossover’ before; well, except for a story I planned for future writing. I am more keen on writing this, even though it is another story plan, than When Everything changed, simply because it is more intricately planned. I mean, I have plans as to how many chapters there would be, spin-off chapters, character developments and, most importantly, an ending. So, expect this to be written soon!

5.       G.L.O.E.

Characters: All OC

This isn’t a fic. It is my very own ‘Musipedia’ – a spin-off of Wikipedia, if you haven’t already noticed. In here, you will find the back story of most of my OC characters. Since, from now on, my OC characters will consist of girls from this ‘Idol Group’. Basically, I’m playing ‘Papa YG’ or whatever you want to call it, by initiating my very own Idol Group on AFF where they will be doing features in my stories as if it were their schedules. Haha. Such fun.

6.       One Sentence Theme Challenge

Characters: None

Again, this isn’t a fic. It was a suggestion of a friend to enable me to improve my writing and find my own writing style. I should really be updating this every day; practicing writing regularly, but I don’t. Because I’m lazy. Bad Author. I’ll catch up, I promise! But really, this massively helped me and my writing. If you want to try it out, look for one word prompts online or message me and I’ll give you some links as to where to find them. They’re super fun too because you have so little restrictions that the sentence could be so totally personal yet applies to everyone in the whole of AFF.

7.       What It Takes

Characters: Kim Sunggyu, Hong Jieun, Kim Jonghyun

Ahh, my latest story plan. I’ll be cocky and say that this is probably going to be the best fic I’ll ever write. I’ll make this my baby. I have planned out the whole story and the chapters should not be any more than 100 nor any less than 60 or 70; so this would be my longest fic ever written. On top of that, I’m already planning a sequel (The first one hasn’t even been written yet… Author, what are you doing with your life? -_-) But seriously, I love my plan for this fic. Although it may be dark and angsty in some parts, check it out when I write it because I really want this to get attention and to show my writing abilities through this fic. By the way, this shuld be starting soon, so get ready ;)

8.       Idol Oneshot Café

Characters: Multiple

Last but not least, my first ever baby. This started off as a creative outlet for my ty needs, but it grew more and more to what it is now. It’s definitely not the biggest fic out there, or even one of the top 1,000,000. But, to me, I think it is the best that I’ll get for a long time. So thank you. This fic wil be regularly updated (regularly just means it won’t be closed and the number of fics in this could go up to 9,999,999 LITERALLY) It just says completed because I don’t want people to think that it’s a continuous story. It’s just a bunch of one shots compiled together because, as I’ve mentioned before, I love myself a one shot fic xD 


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