——www.galaxias.com • joo hyera!





USERNAME — paperstars-
NAME harris


NICKNAMES — ara ( her mother find it somewhat shorter to say. hyera liked being called ara. )
BIRTHDATE — 31/10/1994 ( 19 years old )
BIRTHPLACE — busan, south korea.
HOMETOWN seoul, south korea






· lee geum hee
· kim shin yeong
· park seul ki 
· lee dasom
· kim min seo

     Since being a trainee, Joo Hyera had took care of her looks. Her hair was long and silky, dyed in dark brown, making it look natural. Hyera's forehead was covered with pimples but the sneaky girl covered them with make-up. She used to have chubby cheeks, or some call them as mandu cheeks. She used to be slightly tannned, resembling Yuri's skin color. She was slightly plump but her baggy clothes made her looks normal. 

     As an idol, Hyera looked more beautiful. Her hair was dyed in a brighter shade of brown. Sometimes, she would need to wear her blonde wig. She took an eye surgery to make her eyes look bigger. She got whiter, thanks to the company that pay for her skin treatment, her skin is as smooth as a baby. After going to dieticians, the plump Hyera became normal. 



dance practice - when it comes to dancing, the excited Hyera would pull off something comfortable. She usually wear something baggy like a hoodie with a sweatpants. However, it depends on what she would be dancing. If she would be dancing to SiSTAR'a Alone, she would probably wear a shirt that show off her stomach and a short shorts jeans. 

dorm - Hyera, in her dorm, is an ignorant about how she looks. It's not like the world would stare at her, sleeping. She would usually wear any random clothes she could grab. She rarely wear skirts and long-sleeved tops in the dorm. She usually wear shorts and boxers.

airport fashion - The airport fashion queen. Hyera tends to exaggerate her fashion skills when it comes to being pretty at the airport. In the airport, she would usually wore a cute gray plain hoodie with a pair of skinny jeans but once she get out of the plane, she would put on her furry jacket and her big shades while carrying her Gucci or Chanel bag. 

HEIGHT — 163 cm
WEIGHT — 48 kg

















SUMMARY Ti generalize Joo Hyera, she is bubbly like a kid. She is very talkative but in the same time, lazy as heck. She irritates everybody by spreading her oh-so-happy-virus. Despite the fact that she's annoying, she is very cheerful and could spread happiness at the right time.


    Hyera is born bubbly. She is a total fashionista baby from Korea. She got a sense of humor. She could break the intense situation whenever there's one. She is very reckless and lazy. She's not the one you could depend on. Despite her jokes, Hyera tends to be very serious at times but ends up laughing her off. She's the girl who will help people only if she wants to, unless if she feels plastic. She's rebellious, only towards her father. She stands up for what she believe is right even if it was wrong. She is indecisive. Whenever she had an option, she would refer them to her mom. Hyera is very clever despite her laziness. A playful girl she is. She's the one who will prank one of her friends and at the end of the day, she'll make people laugh. That's why people call her the jokester because she could crack jokes.

     She is very childish. She is also very kind. She is very timid and fails at doing aegyo. Some says she's timid as a mouse. The fact is she's not what people saw her as. She could be fierce at times, if you get on her bad side. She likes peace. She is a talkative person, a walking radio. She'd talk about how dumb she is for not realizing 'The Alphabet Song' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' has the same rhythm to how the world's temperature is increasing. She is very girlish. When people judge her, she gave them the wtf look. She is a nature lover. She is very conceited. She is a fan of cute things such as RIlakkuma and Pororo. She is very confident of herself. Hyemin is very polite towards the community. She trusts people hardly. She could be tricked easily. She is very sensitive and fragile. She is very smart. She is weird. Very weird, she talked to a lifeless object. She could be very scary when she's angry. Scarier than you have ever imagine.

     Hyera is a dreamer. A dreamer one could say hopeless. She would always stumble upon her dream with a rookie Korean actor. She is very naive. She could be clingy too. If you didn't like being bothered, don't befriend her. Sometimes, she would use some sarcasm in her words. She would only do that if you asked stupid questions. She forgive and forget people hardly. She holds grudge. Hyera is actually a coward behind those brave mask she put on.

     She is very spoilt. She rarely felt guilty. Despite her crazyness, she is very very good at handling stress. Without her consent, she could be very flirtatious. She is very decent. She is a shikshin out of all her friends. Don't judge the book by it's cover, She is very strong and tough. Both mentally and physically. Hyera is very clumsy. She has a slightly erted mind. She's very whiny. Sometimes, her insecurity takes place and she could become all mean and cold in out of the blue. Just make her feel beautiful and she'll get back to the Hyera you love.

BACKGROUND — Hyera grew up in Busan. Her birth in Busan was unexpected. Her mother was a teacher there while her father is in Osaka, Japan since a company branch there was in trouble. Hyera grew up without a father's love. With her grandmother, her mother and her sister, she had barely interact with guys. Therefore, she has always treat guys as same as she treats girl. She was there with her father when she was three. That's when they moved to Seoul for a better living. Growing up in Seoul is just as same in Busan. She still remember how she used to get herself in a sink and rinse herself there while ignoring all of the dangers that may had come. As the cost of living increases, her parents got busier. At the age of five, she had to live from the morning until the night. Although she hate it that way, she realized how a small kid like her couldn't made any difference. Not to mention, Hyera was under-weight at that time. People in her class would always about how she's too skinny and petite. Due to depression, she ate a lot and gained weight drastically. At the age of nine, she was verified obese. She felt very insecure but what should she do? Her life isn't that cool either. Especially since eating to get rid of depression had been a habit for her. It's a solution for her. She had also been critic about being a nerd for getting all As for her tests. Not long after that, her father resigned for being harshly criticized, forcing them to rely on her mother's income. Hyera blamed her father hardly for being egoistic and not able to accept constructive criticism. They were financially unstable. That's when Hyera's hatred towards her father flamed. When they were financially stable again, here comes another trouble. Her uncle is desperate for money. He used to have countless bucks but maybe, spending a lot of them could make from riches to rags. On the good hand, she would be living with her best cousin ever, Song Hyora. On the other hand, Hyera's parents need to take care of their needs. After several months, they moved and became neighbours. That's when she had somebody she treasured. Her best friends. They were the weird clique. The ones that cause trouble. She had also lose her weight since they had promised to go for a diet. After a year or so, Hyera need to say goodbye to her school since the school were rumored to have countless gangsters and was not safe for their children. Plus, Hyera needs to go to a school which is closer to her dorm. Fitting into a new community is hard. She had always tried to became friends with all of them. She guessed her clinginess and friendliness didn't appeal and annoyed some. Of course, she had met nice people there but it was just a painful experience she had never want to go on again


  • fashion money
  • water
  • color pink
  • nail polishes
  • pandas
  • plushies
  • gadgets
  • pastel green.
  • pastel pink.
  • girls' generation
  • pastel colours.
  • winter.
  • summer.
  • spring.
  • miss a.
  • t-ara
  • kara
  • 4minutes
  • secret.
  • all girl groups that exists.
  • icecream.
  • sushi.
  • lasagna.
  • spagghetti. ( she had trouble spelling this. lol. )
  • ramyun.
  • sunny-side eggs.
  • every food that exists.... ( ? )
  • those knitten sweaters.
  • pastel colors clothes.
  • infinite's l. ( secretly. )
  • actor kim bum and lee min ho. ( secretly too. e w e )


  • bullies
  • onions
  • waiting
  • conceited guys
  • bossy people
  • insects.
  • black veil brides,
  • orange.
  • brown. ( that poop-like brown. eew. lol. )
  • pork.
  • some really spicy kimchi.


  • surfing the Internet.
  • watching dramas.
  • hearing songs.
  • fangirl.
  • singing.
  • dancing.
  • rapping.


  • sleeps in the shower.
  • whining continously.
  • eats messily.
  • stares deeply at strangers like a creep. lol.
  • makes ugly, horrid faces without her acknowledge


  • has a beauty mark on her neck
  • has a twitter and a facebook. ( twitter - @hyeras_ | facebook - Hye-ra Joo )
  • has two cats named polka and stripes.
  • She loves the colour pink.
  • Her favourite dish is sushi.
  • She dislikes pork.
  • She loves grapes.
  • Her ideal type is someone sweet, caring, flirty and romantic.
  • Scared of insects.
  • has claustrophobia she does believe there's aliens.
  • she believes in ghosts.
  • ^ she was scared with it the most.
  • she hated chained messages but sometimes, she did forward them. ( thanks to the word 'or the spirit will haunt you.' )
  • she likes the anime, K-on!
  • she idolize too many people, mostly girl groups, but she likes tiffany, jessica, hyuna and ailee the most.
  • is single.
  • never dated.
  • believes in superstitions.





SINGING she had a slightly nasal voice but who cares? this girl nails it when she needs to hit the high notes.  ( resembles jessica. c: )
DANCING — she didn't take dancing as serious as singing. therefore, she had been lacking at this part. however, ehen she really works hard for it, she could rock the dance floor with her awesome dances. it's just a matter of effort.  ( resemble jessica. c: )
Unlike some Korean rappers who had this deep voice, Hyera had a cute voice who resembled a pre-puberty sixteen years old female. Of course, it annoys some people but hey, look at the bright side her rapping is fast and whoa, it leaves you hanging.  ( resembles shin jimin of aoa. c: )

ACTING her acting is somewhat awesome. although her acting is not really convincing, she do know how to drop tears from her big eyes which makes audiences go shocked. 
VARIETY — she's pretty funny. she clinges around badly and annoyed people badly. on variety shows that involves strategy, she usually plots with females, usually femme fatales, and guys who could protect her. while in games that involved sports, she plays it the dirty way. 

SPECIAL SKILL can make her eyes gets fully white like this. mimics the famous voice of yang hee eun. 


STAGE NAME — hyelee ( pronounced as hayley. )
ONSTAGE PERSONA — the enchanting sunshine

onstage, hyera was supposed to be a typical cute korean girl who has absolutely no flaws but hey - ain't nobody's pefect. even how hard she tried, she failed, thanks to her never-ending sarcasm. at first, her company forced her to try harder but they gave up as hyera's rudeness shown clearly. 

TRAINEE LIFE after being rejected by her two favourite company, sm and jyp for a few times. joo hyera gave up her dream of being an idol. that's when her bestfriend slash cousin gave her a call about the audition, at first, she was reluclant to go. i mean, who isn't? she was rejected over and over again, it made her puke but after some threatening her cousin did, she agreed going with her. she auditioned and get accepted with her cousin! her trainee life isn't hard either since she snaps around with her diva attitude a lot but hey, she could be a total sweetheart. if only they didn't saw hyera as nothing but a dull person. if only. that's pretty much her trainee life. it was awesome, if she needs to describe the days with a word.







LOVE INTEREST — someone from galaxias ent. ? c:
PERSONALITY someone who be jealous easily and dorky and cute and manly and romantic. o u o /slapped

HOW YOU TWO MET — be creative )
RELATIONSHIP ( how he acts in front of her and vice versa ) 


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