60 Questions People Don't Ask Survey (Taken from my beloved Daisy /joueRED/)

i'm bored and sick like , OTL


(i stole it Baby bunny lol)



1. When was the last time you ran?
last Thursday, i didn't go to the gym cause i'm sick

2. Do your jeans have rips, tears or holes in them?
just like....ONE i think? mom doesn't like them
and i'm dying to buy some ripped jeans T.T

3. What are you dreading right now?
so many things, exams next week.
feelings, family, my larry newly obsession (lol)
and many things.

4. Do you sing in the shower?
um? not a lot but sometimes
when a song is stuck in my head.

5. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep every night?
so not true, i don't think i even get real 7 hours
sometimes even less.

6. If anyone of your friends came to your house randomly one day, what would you say?
"OMG ALERT ALERT, where's my cloths? oh wait where's the brush?
my hair looks as if it was fighting off the army o.O".

7. Who last grabbed your ?
yesterday, =.= my classmate -.-"

8. Have you ever been on your school's track team?
we don't have that in our school, so, no!

9. Do you own a pair of converse?
YUP i do, Adidas, love them!

10. Did you copy and paste this survey?
yup, stole it from my baby bunny ^^

11. Do you eat raw cookie dough?
YES also chocolate or strawberry cake dough when i'm making it.
12. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
no, but i did kick our washing machine
does it count? lol

13. Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
actually no, it makes me happy, especially if it's a song i like
the thing is, i don't like arabic songs much, and our radios (Morocco) are full of it
so if they do a song i like
they can repeat it forever lol
even if i get bored of it, it's bettter than those arabic/moroccan songs /shiver/ =.=

14. Do you watch Top Gear?
what's that? so No.

15. How do you eat oreos?
i eat it as if i'm making love to it (lol coming from a virgen XP)
i like sometimes i either open it or not
take a small bite and waste like a 30 seconds to bite it
i savour the taste as long as i can
then i swallow it with a small soft moan at the sweetness
and stay, and let it linger long before i again take another bite.

16. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yes, yesterday, and today, right now, i'm missing him #pout

17. Are you cocky?
lol nice joke
no i am not.

18. Could you live without a computer?

19. Do you wear your shoes in the house?
Not really (do you want my parents to wipe me out of this world?)

20. Who or what sleeps with you?
MY TEDDY COLLECTION especially Mr.bubbles!
also my fluffy small pillow and a soft cloth for reasons.

21. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
i've never believed in Santa anyway!

22. How many house phones and mobiles are in your house?
well for house phones, there's 5 house phones.
for mobiles/cell/hand phones, there's 8 cellphones!
23. What do you do when you're sad?
i mostly go back to sad stories, songs and videos especially the EunHae ones
all just to cry, crying helps me feel good.

24. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
my older sister i guess!

25. Last time you saw your best friend?
i don't have a best friend #shrug.
but if you say the only person i don't hate in my school i'd say yesterday

26. Are you in high school?
i am, hell mercy, someone save me i still have 2years and a month in this hell!

27 What jewelry are you wearing?
2 earrings, and a ring.

28. Is anyone on your bad side now?
oh many, the whole school except some lol

29. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
go to the EunHae tag LOL but for now, i'm obsessed with Larry so....their edited videos kill me!


30. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
i've watched like, 7 seasons last year!

31. How do most people spell your name?
Basma, with the 'sssssss' sound!

32. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
i would actually, i think it would be cute!
33. Where do you work?
i don't work, i'm still a student!

34. What are you doing tomorrow?
homework, well i'll try to, also preparing for my exams, and maybe going out a little!

35. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
NOPE sorry justy, MJ is a legend, never someone could reach him!
36. Favorite name for a girl?
Nour (means light) ♥
also Alex (Alexis)

37. Favorite name for a boy?
oh God don't get me started with the boy names
i have a lot but my favorites are:
Adam, Louay, Ryan
also Alex (Alexander, sorry bunny T.T)

38. Will you keep your last name when you get married?
no, i won't keep it ^^

39. When was the last time you left your house?
about, 5hours ago? 

40. Do you return your cart?
yeah, i always do ^^

41. Do you have a dishwasher?
no we don't, they said it's unhealthy! >.<

42. What noise do you hear?
well, not really a song, but it's a video sound.
A larry video (Larry-if you could have anyone in the world)
you should soooooo watch it even if you don't like One Direction or Larry!

43. Would you survive in prison?
i don't think i will, gosh, please leave the prison away from me!

44. Who is the youngest in your family?
me =.= except my niece, she's 3years old and a half #proud aunt
45. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely overpack?
i may actually!

46. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
i do, i don't like her #shrug.

47. What's the last thing you purchased?
hum? Blue Nail Paint i guess.

48. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
lol, YES, i'm still a minor, they pay everything for me, and even the money i have, it's theirs HAHA.

49. What brand are your pants right now?
American Eagle Outfitters.

50. Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
Nope, but i think i'd love to.

51. What irritates you most on the internet?
Slowness, lags......pages, videos or posts (specially tumblr) got deleted
homophobic, narrow minded, stupid people, and haters/trolls.

52. What brand is your digital camera?
Sony, i love my camera!

53. Do you watch movies with your parents?
yup, sometimes

54. What song best describes your life right now?
well mostly, a very sad, depressing song.
but for now, for some reason these last two weeks, i guess this song explain well my feelings in a certain way
Hurts- Illuminated.
maybe the fact i wanna shine for sometime, like i wanna do something reckless, crazy, and break the rules, like break free.
guess so.

55. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
i do actually
i used to have Dior, Dolce and Gabbana (well my sister lol), Chanel.
but right now, i'm using Lacoste ^^
56. Are you supposed to be asleep right now?

57. Do you like sushi?
i'd love to try it one day.

58. Do you get your hair cut every month?
Pshhh, like once in 2/3 years, this bundle of curly hair on top of my head takes million years to get slightly longer.
SO , i wouldn't lose a single hair! o.O

59. Do you go online everyday?
lol, i actually do ,even for just 5 minutes!

60. What kind of phone do you have?
well i used to have samsung galaxy, but someone stole it T.T
now i'm using the house's emergency phone, LG
until i buy a new smartphone ^^


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you and your oreo obsession lol
Ohh love you too my baby ♥♥

10. Did you copy and paste this survey?
yup, stole it from my baby bunny ^^ (Kyaa you're so cute!! éè)

What is oreos? I couldn't answer that, I don't know ><

32. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
i would actually, i think it would be cute! (Ikr right? So cute and well.. the smell *-* ♥)

also Alex (Alexander, sorry bunny T.T) (;AAAAA; it's okay ><)

Funny.. I would actually really believe in them more than EunHae.. Like I said EunHae 5% and them.. let's say 40/50% because I don't know them at all >< Only watching two videos can't help a lot~

The other song has a really sad beat T_T
some things, i read in this.....made me all o.O,you're a freak lol