Questions! (Taken from fengxia2208)


1. Real Name (Thai): Chayanit (Jenny)
2. Nicknames: Gem, Jen-Jen, Jugget, Niffer
3. Zodiac Sign: Gemini
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: Satit Kaset (Thai school LOLZ)
6. High School: Boarding School in MA (WHOOO SAME AS FENGXIA2208!!) 
7. Blood Type: A
8. Hair color: Black 
9. Tall or short: Short. I'm TEENY. Screw DNA. 
10. IM or email: I dunno... depends on the mood... IM? 
11. Skirts or Jeans: Jeans
12. Phone or Camera: Phone
14. Orange or Apple: ORANGEEE!! YAYYYY! XD
15. Do you have a crush on someone? Nope. 
16. Eat or Drink: Anytype of potatoes/ water 
18. Pepsi or coke: Meh. Don't like either. 
19. Been in an Airplane:  Yup! First time was when I was one. XP 
20. Been in a relationship: NEVER. I'M SUCH AN AWKWARD PALM TREE. 
21. Been in a car accident: Depends... it was only a little bump. Does that count? My mom was pissed though, haha. 
22. Been in a fist fight: YEAH. I WAS A VIOLENT CHILD (LOL) BUT STILL. 
23. First piercing: Don't have any. 
24. Current best friends: Lolo, Squeaks, Cutterfreak, Kade (Will not mention their real names)
25. First award: Swimming competition :)
26. First crush: Uh.... Let's just say that he's a meanie. 
27. First word: Gibberish: a ;lskjfskjf Real word: Welcome
29. Last person you talked to in person: Lolo
30. Last person you texted: My friend 
31. Last person you watched a movie with: Lolo
33. Last movie you watched: Howl's Moving Castle (re-watched that for the millionth time... *sobs*) 
34. Last song you listened to: Radioactive - cover by Pentatonix and Lindsey Stirling 
35. Last thing you bought: Water 
36. Last person you hugged: A like interest 
37. Favorite Food: POTATOES. I LOVE THEM. 
38. Favorite Drink: I dunno... green tea frappucino from Starbucks
39. Bottom or Top?: Huh? Is this really what I think this means.... *squints suspiciously* I dunno how to answer. 
40. Flower: Crocus or Starflower 
41. Favorite Animal: I dunno.... everything. OH WOLVES. WOLVES OR PHEONIXES. 
42. Color: Cool colors: Blue, green, turquiose, etc. 
43. Movies: 1) Howl's Moving Castle 2) Princess Mononoke 3) Sound of Music 4) SInging in the Rain 
44. Favorite subject: English! XDD 
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put 'X' in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] Gotten Baptized. (I'm a babtized buddhist, LOL)
46. [X] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] Had your heart broken. 
48. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone question your ual orientation. 
51. [] got pregnant.
52. [] had an abortion.
53. [x] Did something you regret.
54. [x] Broken a promise. 
55. [x] Hide a Secret.
56. [x] Pretended to be happy. 
57. [x] Met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] Pretended to be sick.
59. [x] Left the country.
60. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
61. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] Ran a mile.
63. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [X] Hated someone.
66. [x] Stayed single for a whole year. 
67. Eating: Banana
68. Drinking: Water 
69. Listening To: Teen Top Miss Right 
70. Sitting/Laying: Sitting at my desk 
71. Plans for today: Watch a movie and do homework (Not in that order)
YOUR FUTURE: I dunno... Be a doctor or writer. 
73. Want kids: No.
74. Want to get married: Maybe...?
75. Career: Doctor, coroner (because your patient is already dead, so you don't have to worry. LOL), or writer 
76. Lips or Eyes: Hard choice... eyes. 
77. Shorter or taller (your spouse): don't have one... If I do, I would prefer him to be taller. I dig tall guys. XD 
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Hmm... Spontaneous. Don't know anything about romace except for cliche stuff. XD
81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Personality, but I also look a teeny tiny bit at looks... 
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Never (I take good care of my glasses and contacts).
84. Snuck out of the house: Nope! I was a good child, LOL.
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Nope. Had my friends carry it for me instead. XD 
87. Broken someone's heart: I don't think so... I don't know. 
89. Cried when someone died: When my dog died (I consider my dog a person, okay?), but other than that, nope. Nobody close to me has died yet. 
90. Yourself: No.
91. Miracles: Not really, maybe a little bit. 
92. Love at first sight: Yeah. 
93. Heaven: No. 
94. Santa Clause: no
95. on the first date?: NO! 
96. Kiss on the first date: Yes! XD Like a goodnight kiss (If the date goes well)
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yes
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes. 
99. Do you believe in God: Not really. It depends. 
100. Post as 100 truths?: Yup! 
got this from fengxia2208 (I'm bored) 


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