Jrock&VisualKei; Bands 2

Dir En Grey, OH MAI GAWD DIR EN GREY O-O One of the Most Creepiest Groups in Visual Kei Also one of the most AWESOME im so jealous My Friend Actually got to meet them when they was in NY PISSED wish i lived in NY so i might have had the chance to Randomly Encounter them like she did XD or atleast Live In Tokyo. XD OH RIGHT back to Dir En Grey. Well I have heard there music before i seen any Video.Cause i really didnt watch MV's at the Time. But the First MV i watched was 'Obscure Uncensored' XD which Cause i was really Really young Pissed my Mom's Boyfriend off LOL GOOD!!!  I still love that MV My sister was Scared of it and Grossed out by it. But I enjoyed it.....I find Kyo Attractive ^__^ He is actually the one that made me want all the piercings i had...i only have 2 now -_- wanting to get my eyebrow redone XD cause the first set i had actually matched Miyavi's(Miss his piercings) OK im going off Subject now same subject Diffrent Person XD Ok But Really WATCH Obscure Uncensored Version you will enjoy it im sure :DDD


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