
So... as some of you may know... I participated in TvN Star Hunt auditions...


Sad thing is...


I didn't get into the top 100 in singapore...


I was like... really?... and now... depression is setting in...


I really think that FML... FML!!!...


What is wrong with my life.... Haiz....


I'm not going to kill myself over this... i just feel like giving up...


I really need some encouragement now...


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We love you Deany, don't you ever forget that! Just put your trust in God and He will lead you to where He deems best for His plan. Who knows, maybe He needs you to be working for an even greater cause. Just lean on Him when you feel down, I know I always do. And above all else, know that you have us. We will give you encouragement whenever you need it. Take care of yourself Oppa, don't get sick~ Love you, and Fighting~~
parkran_sung #2
Don't give up! There's always others! And never give up on dreaming and believing in yourself because there's always one day where you'll be part of the top 100. It's God's decision to not let you join and it's up to Him on when the right time is. Never forget to pray so that God can guide you all the way. Fighting!
Don't give up Deanie~!! Never give up on your dreams. No matter what, you can't give up. If it's what you want to do and what you dream of doing, then you need to keep trying and working hard. Besides, you are waaaaay more talented than I'll ever be haha.
Just remember that even the greatest idols failed a few times before they succeeded. You're just one step closer. Use this experience to grow and become better. Just don't let it get you down ^.^
Deanie Fighting~~~!!
hey , everyone would have to fail sometimes :) look at all the kpop singers . they all have gone through failures of debut or auditions . as for me , i am at singapore and i didn't even try XD because i didn't know how to submit a video to the web -.-" . dean , you can't just give up like that . if you think your not worthy , then you will just give up . think positive ! maybe it just isnt the right time :) maybe next they will have another tvn starhunt and hopefully you will make it to the top 100 :3 and hopefully i will be able to figure out on how to submit the video -.-"hwaitting ! don't give up !
Do you think the singers in Korea would be singers to day if they gave up? If they didn't get in or picked in an audition they would give up? No. You have to keep on trying. This is your first time auditioning it's not the end of the world if u get rejected. If YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT BEING A STAR AND JOIN THE ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS THEN you can't give up. People only pick people who r serious and persistent. Don't be such a pessimistic person in life u have to be optimistic. GIVING UP in life is not an option it's the choice you clearly made. Don't give up and keep trying. Your life is not over unless the world ended. TRY HARDER AND NEVER SAY YOU GIVE UP LIKE IT'S EASY.
firelordzuko #6
Dean, you can't let what others think of you affect you so much. Because, let's face it, there are biased people in the world and sometimes that will be your advantage or disadvantage. But you need to realize that as long as you have a passion for singing, piano, acting, etc. that you will always be good enough and that someone will come along and realize how talented you are. You can't give up because "winners never quit and quitters never win". If you quit, then you'll never accomplish what you want to and you'll feel worse than you do now. There will be other auditions and other opportunities. For the time being just improve on your skills (because there's always room for improvement) and keep searching for auditions. Just keep your head up. I believe in you. :)
WMLincoln #7
- Hyung, you don't need approval from some star hunt thing to be a star. You outshine the stars of the universe just by being yourself. Don't be depressed ): As long as you have passion, you can do it! And I'm guessing you didn't get into the top hundred because you're too good for that :) You're amazing, top 100 or not. <3

Keep smiling! Because your smile is so lovely.
LOrd_JY_ #8
hyung,it's okay
they're just BLIND they can't see the STAR here,CLAP GUYS!*CLAPPED*
see?everyone you!
Hyung,they just can't see the angel infront of them
they're STUPID!I should go and CUT their HEADS!
OH!hyung,I know you'll be better!
Dude,they're blind*winks*
Deany, don't be sad. ^^ There's going to be more auditions, and you will make it! Whoever didn't choose you is a stupid . T.T
Hey, don't worry.. (u don't know me, but I read, and now I really wanna confort you :P)
you'll get there... maybe it wasn't the right time... practice more, and you'll be on TOP 10!!!!!! :D hwaiting!