30 day bias challenge. [grabbed from Kiseops_Wife_] Days 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.

Grabbed from Kiseops_Wife_! :) I saw this from one from one of her blog posts and thought it was interesting so I decided to do it. And because I only have a few days left of definite use of the computer, I will do five days a day (lol what). But you get the point. >///< so, yeah. :)


30 Day Bias Challenge


 DayOne; Your favourite band/group. []

DayTwo; Your bias from your favourite band/group. []

DayThree; Your second favourite band/group. []

DayFour; Your bias from your second favourite band/group. []

DayFive; Your ultimate bias. []

DaySix; The cutest picture of your ultimate bias.

DaySeven; Any picture of your ultimate bias.

DayEight; A song of one of your favourite bands/group that makes you cry.

DayNine; A picture of your ultimate bias smiling.

DayTen; A picture of your ultimate bias that makes you smile.

DayEleven; The cutest picture of your ultimate bias.

DayTwelve; A song of one of your favourite bands/group that makes you smile.

DayThirteen; Your favorite photoshoot of your ultimate bias.
DayFourteen; Your first bias ever.
DayFifteen; Your second ultimate bias.
DaySixteen; A picture of your ultimate bias performing.
DaySeventeen; A picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayEighteen; A song by your favorite band/group that makes you happy.
DayNineteen; Your top six pictures of your ultimate bias.
DayTwenty; A cute picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayTwentyOne; A funny video from one of your biases.
DayTwentyTwo; A cute video from one of your biases.
DayTwentyThree; A random quote from one of your biases.
DayTwentyFour; The hottext picture of your bias.
DayTwentyFive; An old picture of your bias.
DayTwentySix; A second picture of your second ultimate bias.
DayTwentySeven; The best song of your favorite band.
DayTwentyEight; The best performance of your favourite band/group.
DayTwentyNine; Your favorite interview of one of your biases.
DayThirty; A charming/cute/funny Quote of one of your biases. 


DayOne; Your favourite band/group.

Super Junior, it is! :) They're the first ever Korean pop group I've heard of. :)

DayTwo; Your bias from your favourite band/group.

How can you not love Kyuhyun?! He's got a great voice, and, well...he dances well or something like that haha. And his evilness is a plus! :)

DayThree; Your second favourite band/group.

My body is ready. Lmfaojk. Um, BAP. 'Nuff said. I mean look at them. ;~~~; They're pretty good for rookies. ;)

DayFour; Your bias from your second favourite band/group.

Should I mark this Rated M or what. I mean look at that oozing hotness right there I just. I know I sound erted but Himchan just gives me feels ok. Let me cry a river ok leave me alone I will be ok.

DayFive; Your ultimate bias.

Look at that babo right there. Yes. I love him ok. (ft. Leader Bang and Baby Jongup whom I love. The three of them are actually my ot3 I just.)


I posted 5 today so. I guess I'll post another one tomorrow. :3


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asdfjkl; Can I use this? x3
elf and baby , kyaa ^^ :D i know how you feel , heymicky~ ;)